Sorry, but there is no corrolation between bringing down the limit from 0.1 to 0.08 and stopping a drunk driver from killing someone. If someone decides to drive drunk and they kill a bunch of people, in the majority of the cases their BAC is above 0.12. That person will drive above 0.12 regardless of what the limit is, whether it be 0.08 or even 0 tolerance. And...the person who will drive above 0.12 and endanger everyones lives should have there license taken away for a while.
The problem is when you bring down the limit to 0.08 as we have, or even lower to like a 0.05 or even lower like some of you have voted for in this poll, you are doing absolutely nothing to effect the real criminals who are going to drive above 0.12 regardless of the law. Your only punishing the guy who isn't drunk or the real problem, but who happends to be over your idea of a fair limit.
The problem is further complicated with the manditory punishments that many states have implimented. The 0.08 guy is lumped into the same category as the 0.2 guy, with no discresion or due process. THis is actually what bothers me the most. In this "free" country that we call "America" we are supposed to have the right to due process through the court system. With manditory sentencing, that right has been taken away. I would actually rather see a 0 tolerance law implimented if it ment manditory sentencing would be reversed so we could have our rights to due process again. It's not like I want to go around and "drive drunk"... I just want my rights and liberties back. And, whether you drink or not, you should want your rights and liberties to be maintained as well...that is, if you are to call yourself "American."
Unfortunatily, we use emotional ad hoc and anecdotal arguements instead of logic, and our civil liberties go away. "My son (or brother, or friend or co-worker, or whoever) was killed by a drunk driver, so we need to crack down on these laws. Lower BAC's and manditory sentences for everyone....sounds great!" Sorry, but this is not only illogical, but passing such nonsense is contrary to this "free" country we are supposed to be living in.
Have fun with that one...