How many still practice the original coordination drills?

Universal blocking set is first taught to all white belts at our school along with kenpo punch .. and is part of the drills in our College karate classes we teach.

Amazing how many after months of repeatedly doing them, still get their coordination screwed up :)
Oh Lord, I'm soooo doomed~!!! Trained as a nurse I see the person in front of my in anatomical position.. their right is mirrored of me. So I've become (shhh dont tell anyone) soooo dyslexic when I'm reading a technique.. step back with left.. yep.. you guessed it.. my right goes back.. Doomed I say.. the other night I was teaching Leap of Death .. I said. Step back with left foot. Every single one but one student stepped back with their right (which is correct) except one.. who questioned me.. I just quirked a brow and he looked and saw my feet were in the proper postion.. "oh silly me .. he said.. They ALL know to do opposite of what I say.. hahaa ~! Pathetic aren't I :)
Originally posted by Seig

Just for that, I have some new drills for ya:
Show me:
1. Wax the hull
2.) Sand the deck
3.) Paint the bright work

Gee is this where marriage of gravity comes into effect?

Wax the hull..
Left parry.. right parry.. twist stance.. right elbow.. left elbow..
repeat as necessary

Sand the deck.. assume the mount position.. Double 'wax the hull ' parries.. twist at waist only.. shuffle on knees .. pick out splinters

Paint the bright work..
check R hand at hip.. Left inward block.. right inward block.. left outward block. right outward block.. step back with right foot. twist stance.. palm heel strike to any opening.

wash hands. .. and go make dinner :)
I'm ready to take a big red permanent marker and mark rh, lh, rf, lf on them so they know which their right hand, etc are.