Originally posted by Goldendragon7
It is often used for sparring, but works as well as "self-defense technique formulation".
The FORMULA is: to any given base move whether it is a single move or a series of movements, you can:
(1) PREFIX it, add a move or moves before it,
(2) SUFFIX it, add a move or moves after it,
(3) INSERT, add a simultaneous move with the already established sequence,
(4) REARRANGE, change the sequence of the moves, (5) ALTER the weapon, the target, or both,
(6) ADJUST the range, the angle of execution, or both the angle of execution and the range,
(7) REGULATE the speed, the force, both speed and force, intent and speed,
(8) DELETE, exclude a move or moves from the sequence
In the case of Crossing Talon that "Dan the Man" was talking about ......... we went to (6) and "ADJUSTED" the way he was executing the technique.
It is all a matter of understanding how and what "Kenpo Tools" to use on your Base Technique that makes them effective through advanced understanding vs just techniques that we need to practice. Practice without understanding is a semi-waste or diseconomy of time.
Dennis... You forgot the ninth part of the Equation Formula...
(9) Put your name on it, and call it yours!

Take Care,
Billy Lear
United Kenpo Systems