How many still practice the original coordination drills?


2nd Black Belt
Founding Member
Dec 29, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

We can't control the winds...

You wanna bet? :fart:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Not sure what they are. If we do them in my school, then I
haven't heard them refered to as a coordination drill. That being
said, my coordination could use some work, so clue me in!
At the Huk's seminar a week ago, he had us doing basic blocks
of the star blocking set ... he said to alternate hands each time.
He called up a block, (Upper, Outer, Inner, Downward) and we
were expected to do them quickly. It was VERY humbling. I've
been taking a strong pride in performing techs as strictly as
possible. The guys who I felt did techs on the sloppy end, were
able to just pop those blocks out, where as I kept screwing up! :(
We still have the test requirement of all the coordination Drills.
or bring red and green socks and gloves to class.... Red for the right hand and foot Green for the Left hand and foot. Class remindes you of the Cat in the Hat but it works!

Originally posted by Klondike93

Are cordination set, finger set and kicking set part of these or something else all together?


Are all different drills...... however the development of Coordination is the the same intent.

Originally posted by jfarnsworth I definately forget past the blocks and how they were to be done?
Jason Farnsworth

ok there are several hand options........

either R ight hand then R ight hand again
L eft hand then L eft hand again
R ight hand then L eft hand
L eft hand then R ight

pick one.........
add any of the blocking possibilities....... such as....

lets choose........ R - L
then the blocks....... Inward ......... Vertical Outward
Upward block (R) then Downward Block (L)
etc etc using different combinations of blocks

first choose which arms to use
then which blocks to use

Thats the Orange Belt Coordination Drill
Of the Kenpo Nautical Sea Scout Test........

Instructor; Ok my young Kenpo Sea Scout, tell me, what would you do if a storm blew up Port?

Kenpo Sea Scout, "Throw out anchor, sir!"

Instructor, Ok, well, What would you do if a storm blew up Starboard?

Kenpo Sea Scout, "Throw out anchor, sir!"

Instructor, I see and what would you do if a storm blew up Aft?

Kenpo Sea Scout, "Throw out anchor, sir!"

Instructor, Now just a dog-gone minute..... Just where are you getting all these anchors from?

Kenpo Sea Scout, "From the same place you are getting all the storms!" ........ Sir

short form 1 foot work........

hands are:
R - L - L - R THEN L - R - R - L
Foot work is....
L - R - R - L THEN R - L - L - R

see anything?

Mr. C.
I seen you do the blocks. I thought I seen you do the same with kicks. What else do you have in the coordination drills after that. When I looked in your books I just leafed through too fast to register in my head but now I definately forget past the blocks and how they were to be done?
Jason Farnsworth
As many times as I've performed short 1, broke it down to teach the white belts to do this it never came to me. I even like to teach 1 move at a time like this - right inward block step back with the left foot into right neutral bow. No need to bore anybody but I thnk you get the idea. Thanks Mr. C. for yet another lesson.
Jason Farnsworth

Sailing is another passion of mine. Running lights on Boats are Red for Starboard (right) and green for Port (left.) So lets color code our tennis shoes and gloves to match the nautical system. By the way, they actually make sailing gloves with each glove the correct color. :wink2:


Yes, we still do the coordination sets as required material, and some of the variations, trailing 1, or trailing 2, and reverse with one-forward with one since that is in Blocking Set 2. We also do some of your leg exercises, since it fit in nicely with my old kicking style and I had tended to neglect combo kicks except in sparring.
-Michael B.