How many of you have lost weight?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jas0n
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Ive lost 50lbs in my first year of shotokan. Ive kept it off ever since:D :D :D There is the usual 5 lb swing up and down but it is still gone:) (Im half the man I used to be!!!)
Originally posted by Shotochem
Ive lost 50lbs in my first year of shotokan. Ive kept it off ever since:D :D :D There is the usual 5 lb swing up and down but it is still gone:) (Im half the man I used to be!!!)
Mike Cappi said he was just at a seminar teaching in NY a shotokan place...
I wanted to lose some weight recently and did it by cutting out Bread, Pasta, Rice, and pretty much any other carbohydrate. I went from 194 - 183 in 4 weeks. I also started doing some more cardio on top of kenpo class. I was still able to sneak in a light beer or two. I'm normally pretty thin but I tend to wear my beer a little bit. :)
i used to put hours daily on running alone then training...i never gained weight when i was training,i didn't hav much fat on me, it was all muscles, even when i was training pretty hardcore(6 hr+) i was about 77-78 kgs... now i hav stopped because i don't feel like it for some time(long time) i hav gained weight, rite now i m 89 kgs
so i need to loose weight but i don't want to do any hard work...
i feel like i got burn out in last 6-7 yrs of training...
eating right also plays a big part in weight control. training alone is not enough i feel. a combination of both is what you really need.
Originally posted by Jas0n
I was talking to Kirk he said he lost 50lbs doing Kenpo. I need to lose 35lbs and have been very discouraged. Anyone else lost weight doing the training? I am eating better (not great). and goiong to Kenpo 3 times a week. this is only my second week. I love the classes.
Ok here we go... to lose weight trying doing your own seperate workout as follows : Get a timer and train to start 3 rounds of 2 minutes each round on the basics punches had strikes etc. Rest 30 sec. to 1 min. in between rounds. Do quality kicks,strikes but dont be tied up on numbers. You can then switch to different excercises such as the kicking shield, heavy bag. The number of rounds can be increased as well as the length of the rounds. This is a boxers workout and I have found great results using it in martal arts training. Set up a training program. push ups, situps, kicks, speed bag and heavy bag and even weights. Try speed drills on techniques for another example. This builds massive stamina and sharpens your martial arts skills. As long asyou do it 4-5 times a week it will burn calories and pounds provided you dont head to Mcdonalds every half hour. Drink water, stay away from alcohol and stay consistent and you shall be lean before you know it.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
I started MA when I weighed 60 pounds. I'm 193 now. So yes, I gained weight.

Holy sheeatt, either you started in the MAs when you where 7 years old or so, or you put on a lot of poundage in short order. Which is it, inquiring minds want to... :confused:
Originally posted by Jas0n
I was talking to Kirk he said he lost 50lbs doing Kenpo. I need to lose 35lbs and have been very discouraged. Anyone else lost weight doing the training? I am eating better (not great). and goiong to Kenpo 3 times a week. this is only my second week. I love the classes.

I started on the "Atkins" regime, focusing on cutting out carbs/sugars. Lost 18 since Turkey Day, need 8 to go to get to my ideal weight.

The martial arts, weightlifting, and cardio were not enough. This is what I needed to help make it all work for me.

Course, I'm 47, so it makes a great difference for me.
Changing my diet was the final answer, and I really don't miss alot of that crap I ate before. :asian:
Well, I've lost about 80 pounds over the past couple of years. Most of it in the past 6 months. Check these pics:

I'm down to 206 now and still losing. I don't want to get below 180 because, with my bone density and muscle mass, I don't think anything less would be healthy.

I didn't increase my workouts at all. I just changed my diet. The primary changes were:

less snacking
when I do snack, it's healthier snacks
pretty much cut out soda completely and drink a lot of water now
less bread & pasta
less red meat
more fish & poultry
5 or 6 smallish meals / day instead of 2 or 3 large meals

That's about it. Keeping a log of what you eat helps. I never had any idea of the sheer volume of food (not to mention junk) that I was putting in my body. But by eating 5 or 6 smaller meals through the day, I never get hungry. I also do a lot more cooking at home which has saved me some money in the long run (even when I occasionally buy something for its low calories/fat and throw it out because I don't like it).

The only exercise that I've added to my routine is an ab workout that I do 3 times / week (my abs are now starting, very tentatively, to peek out and say "hi" on occasion) and I do pushups 3 times / week for my pecs. I do the abs because I know that'll help my lower back (I don't have a lot of problems with it now, it's a preventative measure). And I work the pecs because I figure, if I'm losing the gut, I may as well lose the "man tits" too.

I actually started losing weight because, a couple of years ago, my knees and ankles (always problematic because of inherited problems) started getting worse and they started impacting my martial arts training. I hated it. But, at first, I didn't do anything about it because I just chalked it up to getting older. Then I stepped on a scale (hadn't been on a scale in a long time) and I weight nearly 290. I decided that, while I couldn't do anything directly about the knee/ankle problems, I could do something about the weight. And now, 1.5 years later, I'm 80 pounds lighter.

I've noticed that my knees and ankles don't give me as much trouble. But the most dramatic thing I've noticed (except when I see old pics/vid of myself) is my heart rate. At ~290, my resting heart rate was 74. Pretty impressive for a guy who's 5'8" and weighs nearly 290. Now, though, it's about 58 and I haven't done anything to improve it except to lose the weight :)

Originally posted by Jas0n
I was talking to Kirk he said he lost 50lbs doing Kenpo. I need to lose 35lbs and have been very discouraged. Anyone else lost weight doing the training? I am eating better (not great). and goiong to Kenpo 3 times a week. this is only my second week. I love the classes.

Just RUN 3-4 miles a day. You don't even have to change your diet.

Of course, a proper diet is essential for a healthy body, long term.
I would suggest do more research on your diet.

But if you are in hurry to lost 35 lbs. Take up running. 15-20 miles a week will burn the fat, increase your endurance. Great workout! I am almost certain you will drop that 35 lb in 4 weeks!

I run 3-4 miles a day, rain or snow.
You may not be losing weight because the training isn't providing the "aerobic effect" needed to increase and maintain a high metabolism rate.

I use running to burn off the pounds...1.5 miles every other day (in warm weather) - That'll do it.
I've gained about 15 pounds in the last year and a half. I need to gain several more though. Always been very tall and thin, got that Ichabod Crane look going on!! My time in the USMC didn't put the weight on me like kenpo has but I'm a good bit older now so it's hard to say whether age or MA has had more to do with it. I will, however, credit MA with keeping any weight I've gained from turning to fat. My wife studies with me and she has lost about 10 pounds (we do have a very aerobic warm up). MA alone won't do it for losing weight though. Good diet and additional work outs need to be done and I feel like anyone who is serious about the art will be motivated to do the extra.

theletch1 :asian:
Most people who lost 40-50 lbs when they first pick up TKD, were generally obese and under-exercised. The initial weight loss should not be used to draw a linear projection into the future. TKD itself does not turn you into MR.Olympia. Else, all the Korean masters and Grandmasters would look like Mr. Olympia, Mr. Universe. Hardly!
I haven't really lost any weight from practicing. Apart from losing the normal water weight after a hard day of sparring, I prety much see taking MA as also a way to keep myself at a weight that I like and stay trim.
Try the Body For Life by Bill Phillips. It's a simple workout plan that can include your MA training and a simple eating plan. As well it gives you a junk day once a week, thats the day you can eat whatever you want. I lost 20 lbs in three months.

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