how many of you have gotten into a street fight?

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No one ever wins a fight.Just because your the one that walks away dosnt mean you won.
A fight has to many reprecutions.To the body the spirit and in alot of cases legally.
Altho sometimes it is unavoidable no one should look for a fight and worse yet want to fight.
Any instructor that teaches students that love to fight or teaches students to enjoy fighting(alot do unfortunatly)Shouldnt be aloud to teach or take class.
The core of martial arts is to promote peace and self improvement and inforce it if nessacary not to promote violence...
Just my thoughts.....
I have only been in two street fights once when I was 14 I got jumped on the train tracks by a bunch of guys that had to be in there 20's and they beat me down like a red headed step child. And when I was 8 I got beat up by a bunch of older kids at the playground. I have never been in a fight besides for MMA besides that. A couple altercations but nothing that endd in major injury. (Hockey fights not included)
Originally posted by Nyoongar
What about you, Gou?

I have a big mouth, I like to drink alcohol, and I am missing that little switch in my head that stops most people from saying what they are really feeling.

What do you think?
Originally posted by JDenz
(Hockey fights not included)

They don't count? D@mn, that cuts the list mighty short now doesn't it?

Then again, you can't really claim you know the actual use of a bo kata because you've used a hockey stick in a fight can you??
Originally posted by SteelShadow
Any instructor that teaches students that love to fight or teaches students to enjoy fighting(alot do unfortunatly)Shouldnt be aloud to teach or take class.

You're kidding right? Seriously?

Originally posted by SteelShadow
The core of martial arts is to promote peace and self improvement and inforce it if nessacary not to promote violence...
Just my thoughts.....

Wow, you're not kidding.

I have to disagree with you. Budo promotes those things. Martial arts don't promote those things.
A teacher that loves fighting should not be allowed to teach.

People who love fighting haven't been in a real streetfight where one can see what can really happen or are messed up in the head and have no sense of right or wrong.

I can see loving to fight as in safe conditions like the UFC, or the love of competing and training and the test of going through such vigorous training. A good instructor will help the person achieve their goals.

But a good teacher will never tell anyone to go pick a fight, or to get into street fights. The teacher will tell to avoid streetfights if at all possible. Any person who loves streetfighting is just signing his death wish.
Originally posted by JDenz
for some reason everyone is mad at me at hockey I don't know.

Stop punching them in the face...Ha ha ha!
Originally posted by MartialArtist
A teacher that loves fighting should not be allowed to teach.

On what grounds?

Originally posted by MartialArtist
People who love fighting haven't been in a real streetfight where one can see what can really happen or are messed up in the head and have no sense of right or wrong.

You're full of sheet. people who love streetfights have been in LOTS of streetfights. Why the hell do you think they love it? Not everyone wets their pants at the thought of a streetfight. The idea that steetfights are right or wrong is foolish. If two people want to roll then let them. Martial arts are often practiced to protect the village or your house or when caught in the bathroom unawares.

Originally posted by MartialArtist
I can see loving to fight as in safe conditions like the UFC, or the love of competing and training and the test of going through such vigorous training. A good instructor will help the person achieve their goals.

So because you can't see it then it's not right? That's pretty arrogant.

Originally posted by MartialArtist
But a good teacher will never tell anyone to go pick a fight, or to get into street fights. The teacher will tell to avoid streetfights if at all possible. Any person who loves streetfighting is just signing his death wish.

This is all just your rambling opinion of right and wrong.
"Treat others as you would be treated". How does this apply? If you are attacked, pretend you are a Masochist. Enjoy giving. If you really are a Masochist, don't defend yourself. Enjoy receiving. If you wake up afterwards, have a smoke, and ask them if it was good for them too.

I enjoy, WITH ALL MY BEING, overcoming someone who would APPROACH ME to take my health or life. I teach others to enjoy it too.

A Sadist enjoys the PROVOCATION aspect and it is morally wrong to enhance their skills. This is where the difference lies.

You are ALL correct in your statements based on the above.

white belt

Anyone familiar with Crazy Joe Devola on Seinfeld? He played a Karate expert who was under Psychiatric treatment. When visited by the character Elaine, on one episode, she notified him that his apartment door was wide open. His response? "Oh, I know.....I welcome intruders!". Good student? Bad student? Yikes!
Theres nothing wrong with controled fights tournements ufc ect.
I meant that the ones that like to pick fights or use there martial arts to intimidate or promote fighting.They should not be allowed to take class nor should they be allowed to teach these ideas to others.They are nothing more than thugs and bullies.And isnt that one of the reasons so many take martial arts to protect thereselves from these type of people?Why teach the ones your trying to protect yourself from how to be bigger bullies or thugs.
Not only do i feel they shouldnt take or teach class.
But the ones who use martial arts to promote bulling or violence has no HONOR.......
encouraging kids to fight is stupid and immoral and possibly illegal if he actually tells them to go pick a fight

the only reason i dont like fighting is the abundance of knives and(even worse) guns I HATE GUNS nothing good ever came from them

anyway actually fighting and winning makes me feel good unless i hurt the other bloke too much
Originally posted by SteelShadow
isnt that one of the reasons so many take martial arts to protect thereselves from these type of people?

I find most people in martial arts have serious emotional issues and probably should be in the arts anyways. The old adage that someone got beat up and went to martial arts to learn how to protect themselves isn't as true as you think.

Originally posted by SteelShadow
Why teach the ones your trying to protect yourself from how to be bigger bullies or thugs.

A lot of the guys who first came to Ed Parker for example were tough men who already were streetfighters who wanted an edge. Now some of these guys are the leaders of the genre.

Originally posted by SteelShadow
Not only do i feel they shouldnt take or teach class.
But the ones who use martial arts to promote bulling or violence has no HONOR.......

You're confusing Budo with martial arts.
Originally posted by bob919
the only reason i dont like fighting is the abundance of knives and(even worse) guns I HATE GUNS nothing good ever came from them

Yeah, who wants food ont he table and the freedom to do what we want? Those darn guns don't give us any of that!

Oh wait... one wants to cut their food or use a lawn mover or cut hair. Those darn knives don't do that!

Oh wait...

I myself have had students who were streetfighters and wanted to gain an edge.The diffrence is alotho they were fighters they were not bullies.Nor did they openly welcome fights they were just in a bad nieghborhood.And alot of times a instructor can help teach students that fighting isnt always the answer.
And if i am confusing budo with martial arts then i dont want to know the diffrence.
I was taught during all my yrs of training to live my life with honor.
And that just because I can fight dosnt give me the right to go out and beat up on anyone i can.
Or try to intimidate people because I can beat them.
These are the type of people i refered to in my previous posts.
The honor i was taught to incorperate into my everyday life helped me be a better person.
To many martial arts schools have lost that sense of honor there simply into the fight or compatition of the arts.And dont help there students beyond the physical side of the arts.Now theres nothing wrong with competion it in itself can be a good thing it provides a good chance to test your skills.And promotes good sportmanship.
But I think honor and respect of ones self as well as others is a big part of martial arts as well...just my thoughts
Yes it is a parents job to teach these values.As a parent myself i try my best to teach them to my kids.
But as im sure you know kids espeacily now days need all the extra good influences they can get.And an outside influence alot of times has more impact than one taught at home..
Originally posted by KennethKu
Aren't parents suppose to teach their children honor and respect? Oh well. Too much to ask, I suppose.

Too many parents want to ship them off to the local dojo to be fixed like a car is with a mechanic.

The martial arts are what they are, "War" arts. Budo is a way of life.

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