Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
I don't think we're (or at least me, I don't know what everybody else's intent was!) trying to thrash him thoroughly. I was just looking to make sure he was legit, and as was stated before, I don't know how possible it was to gain all those belts and ranks all at once over 25 years. I could be wrong, and I'm only a 2nd Black after 8 years in TKD, myself, so feel free to blast me if I don't know everything here. Nevertheless, I stand by my earlier questioning. Were I a new student of his, or one looking at his dojang, I'd be asking myself the same questions that were raised: is he legit? How long has he studied for? How long did it take him to get all his belts and accolades? Who were his instructors, claimed and/or actual (possibly both, of course!)? Etc.
Just trying to make sure he's squared away, on my part. The others may, or may not, have been doing the same, depending on their individual intentions.
Just my cent-and-a-half...
I don't think I've earned 2 cents yet, I'm too young for that!