How long did it take to get yur black belt?

Try yourself against any boxer? ...most boxers will give you a hard time to most black belts....JUST MY OPINION HERE! ...AND experience here...


My experience is the exact opposite. I haven't met the boxer I couldn't reasonably easily defeat in a sparring situation. That isn't to talk up my specific abilities, any of my students could do the same thing, but rather an acknowledgment of boxings weaknesses. The only boxers I've ever met that could even give me a good fight had other training and were at the top of their field.
HI fellow-martial artist, thank you so much the question, I am happy to respond. I started Goju Ryu Karate-Do at the age of seven years old, at White belt (10th Kyu). At 16 years old I graded for Brown Belt (3rd Kyu), at 18 years old I graded for Brown belt (2nd Kyu) and at 19 years old I graded for Brown Belt (1st Kyu) and finally, at 21 years old I graded for Shodan (1st Dan Black belt). I am now fifty years old, and have sucessfully graded for Godan (5th Dan Black Belt) on the 22nd January 2008. I also hold the Shihan Title (Renshi) from our Goju Ryu Association. I still have the same Sensei, Eddie Cave 9th Dan Black Belt. Have been with my teacher since a little boy (7 years old). I still practise 6 time a week (2 hours per day). Also do Kick Boxing (WAKO) my grade is also 5th Dan Black Belt. I also do Taiji Quan (Yang Style) and have teaching license from China. My other disciplines are Nei Gong, Qi Gong and Qi na (Chinese Grappling, similar to Jui Jitsu in some ways). I work as a Professor of Integrative Medicine in a state facility Hospital in South Africa. I have introduced Goju Karate-Do, Qi Gong and Taiji Quan to some of my patients at Hospital. We have great clinical results with most of our patients. Once again, thank you foryour interest in the Budo/Wushu Arts. Keep on training, persevere, do not loose heart if you are unsuccessful at your first grading. There are still many grading opportunities waiting for you. Honour your teachers and fellow martial artists.

Yours in the spirit of Budo/Wushu

Dr Rubin Frank Rhode, Sensei
Took me two and a half years from white to 1st Dan black.

One of our black belts made 4th Dan at age 24 I believe. Normally, our Grandmaster would not recommend someone of that age to Master level. But this guy had excellent credentials (competed in several countries, team captain etc.) so he made a special exception.
in my art we only have two colours. White and red. As a beginner you train in plain clothes until you complete the syllabus for about 7 months. after that you can don the art official uniform with a white belt. The red belt is worn by instructors only who have to pass a test before appointed by the grandmaster. In the end, everyone in the art more or less are in the same level in term of knowledge of the art. What made the difference is only experience and how commited are you at honing the skills taught to you in the seven months. If you dont train after the 7 months, you will forget all you have learnt.
What system do you study Banjarian? I think that people should look more at how long one has studied, instead of what belt someone wears. We had a student who for a while wanted to wear a rope for a belt. It looked odd but really he had the right attitude. Honestly, anymore it seems like anyone can get a BB but not anyone can practice the system for a decade or two.
As long as I pass my first attempt it will be a little under 4 years (and that's with about 6 months total time missed with injuries)- TKD

HTM took me 3 years
HI fellow-martial artist, thank you so much the question, I am happy to respond. I started Goju Ryu Karate-Do at the age of seven years old, at White belt (10th Kyu). At 16 years old I graded for Brown Belt (3rd Kyu), at 18 years old I graded for Brown belt (2nd Kyu) and at 19 years old I graded for Brown Belt (1st Kyu) and finally, at 21 years old I graded for Shodan (1st Dan Black belt). I am now fifty years old, and have sucessfully graded for Godan (5th Dan Black Belt) on the 22nd January 2008. I also hold the Shihan Title (Renshi) from our Goju Ryu Association. I still have the same Sensei, Eddie Cave 9th Dan Black Belt. Have been with my teacher since a little boy (7 years old). I still practise 6 time a week (2 hours per day). Also do Kick Boxing (WAKO) my grade is also 5th Dan Black Belt. I also do Taiji Quan (Yang Style) and have teaching license from China. My other disciplines are Nei Gong, Qi Gong and Qi na (Chinese Grappling, similar to Jui Jitsu in some ways). I work as a Professor of Integrative Medicine in a state facility Hospital in South Africa. I have introduced Goju Karate-Do, Qi Gong and Taiji Quan to some of my patients at Hospital. We have great clinical results with most of our patients. Once again, thank you foryour interest in the Budo/Wushu Arts. Keep on training, persevere, do not loose heart if you are unsuccessful at your first grading. There are still many grading opportunities waiting for you. Honour your teachers and fellow martial artists.

Yours in the spirit of Budo/Wushu

Dr Rubin Frank Rhode, Sensei

how has your taiji training influenced your goju?

I am still working on mine. my military obligations have set me back awhile. I will also be moving again very shortly, so chances are I will be starting over in yet another style or school, so who knows when it will be. I don't have the belt, but I certainly have the skills and the knowledge.

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