How important are belts?


Black Belt
I've been training for about 7 years. Was going to a school and the instructor told me he was going to test me for blue, ended up moving and going to a new school and only doing no gi. I've been training for a while and want to compete again in the near future. But I don't want to be a sand bagger. I've rolled with some purples around my weight, can't tap them but do put up a decent fight and defense. I'm definitely not at a purple level though. But I feel if I compete at novice again I'd be sand bagging. Even though I'm not ranked I have more than 1 year of steady training and the other 6 years are like 3-6 months here and there not consistent though. When I roll with blues my weight it's 50-50, I either tap them or they tap me or it's a draw. 50 percent of the time I win. What level should I compete no gi and gi in? I have no problem wearing a white belt in a gi, but it would be unfair for me to compete against a guy with only a few months of training. And also I want to test myself. I don't think I could hang against competitor purples though, my leg lock defense isn't good enough and I fear getting my leg messed up because I never learned proper leg lock defense. I'm considering doing masters blue belt for gi and no gi. What do you think?
If you did 1 year of steady training and 6 years of 50% (give or take) then I would say you have 4 years of training. Adjust up or down again depending on if you were steadily doing 1-2 days a week or steadily doing 6-7 days a week and doubling up on days.

Belts aren't unimportant, but they aren't the most important either.
No-gi competitions typically have beginner/intermediate/advanced categories based on years of experience rather than rank.

For gi competitions, check with your current instructor. You are generally considered to be representing your school when you enter a tournament and if your instructor hasn't awarded you a blue belt, they may not want you wearing one while representing them.
No-gi competitions typically have beginner/intermediate/advanced categories based on years of experience rather than rank.

For gi competitions, check with your current instructor. You are generally considered to be representing your school when you enter a tournament and if your instructor hasn't awarded you a blue belt, they may not want you wearing one while representing them.
I would never wear a belt I didn't earn. I have too much respect for martial arts to do something like that. Also do you know what level belts fight in intermediate no gi? Is it normally just blue belts or blues and purples? I had a training partner who was a purple and competed at advanced. But I would never put a blue belt on unless I am awarded one by a instructor. I might try to see if I can wear my white belt and compete against blues though, or compete at intermediate no gi but tell everyone I'm a white belt so no misunderstandings or no disrespect.
If you did 1 year of steady training and 6 years of 50% (give or take) then I would say you have 4 years of training. Adjust up or down again depending on if you were steadily doing 1-2 days a week or steadily doing 6-7 days a week and doubling up on days.

Belts aren't unimportant, but they aren't the most important either.
Thanks for the reply. I'd say that's about right and accurate.
Why don't you ask your instructor and coaches what level you should compete at? They know how you're performing on a regular basis -- and how that should fit into a competition. At a guess -- I'd say go with intermediate levels. After your first competition, you should have a good idea where you stand. You're only sandbagging if you deliberately are hiding your level of experience and competing below it. An honest error or misjudgement is just that.
I've been training for about 7 years. Was going to a school and the instructor told me he was going to test me for blue, ended up moving and going to a new school and only doing no gi. I've been training for a while and want to compete again in the near future. But I don't want to be a sand bagger. I've rolled with some purples around my weight, can't tap them but do put up a decent fight and defense. I'm definitely not at a purple level though. But I feel if I compete at novice again I'd be sand bagging. Even though I'm not ranked I have more than 1 year of steady training and the other 6 years are like 3-6 months here and there not consistent though. When I roll with blues my weight it's 50-50, I either tap them or they tap me or it's a draw. 50 percent of the time I win. What level should I compete no gi and gi in? I have no problem wearing a white belt in a gi, but it would be unfair for me to compete against a guy with only a few months of training. And also I want to test myself. I don't think I could hang against competitor purples though, my leg lock defense isn't good enough and I fear getting my leg messed up because I never learned proper leg lock defense. I'm considering doing masters blue belt for gi and no gi. What do you think?

belts are definitely important because they are an identification tool for others to shoot a bearing on your skill level so you dont waste each others precious time on the mats.

Agreed it could be dangerous for people of disproportionate skill levels to compete against each other.
Good on you for having empathy towards other practitioners.

If you care about making the jump from one belt to another...treat your coach like your boss and ask what (he/she/x) wants done...break it down...rep it out until you get the thumbs up and have a new colour of fabric on your waist.

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