

White Belt
I’ll try to keep this brief. Fell in love with BJJ about a decade ago and was hooked day one. Trained religiously for 6-7 or so years, competed, did well and was a purple belt for about a year prior to having an extremely rare condition which paralyzed me waste down for about 3 months, took about 18 months to recover as best possible. Full mobility and range of motion/strength just neuropathy in feet a bit is all. Rolled maybe twice, got staph on my quad and needed leg saving surgery. Was out another 6 months, just to herniate a disk in my back and put me out another year plus. Point being is It’s been about four years since I’ve trained, I love it and miss it every day and I’m finally cleared to train and workout. Prior to injuries, I competed 194 walked around 205 and I’ve put on 50lbs! I’m a fat ****. literally haven’t been able to do ANYTHING physical in years and am a fat *** with zero flexibility who will want to puke after warmups likely.

Just want some some feedback here. Hard to admit this, but I’m embarrassed to roll into New gym (I relocated), in my current shape, having not rolled in 4+ years and strap on my purple belt. I fear the embarrassment of wearing it as right now I’ll get tuned up by anyone who can run a mile without stoping. I realize my learning curve will be super fast and everything will come back as I’ve continued to study online and such, but I just don’t know how I’ll feel wearing a semi ratty purple belt and not being able to perform basic fundamental techniques or even forgetting some of them. What’s your thoughts on how to approach this? thx for the perspective.
Go in with a white belt, or don't wear a belt. Talk to the instructor and let them know, so they understand what your foundation actually is. If they tell you to wear a purple belt, and you know you're not at that level anymore, be very frank with any partners about your situation.
I moved to a new city and new gym back when I was a blue belt, but was very out of shape due to various health issues and injuries having kept me from regular training for a bit. I ended up just attending MMA and no-gi classes for six months to get back in shape and knock the rust off before I started going to gi classes and wearing my belt.

One my students now is a very good purple belt, but he was out for 4 years due to an injury and other life events. When he returned to class, he showed up wearing a white belt because he didn't want to feel the pressure of trying to perform at his old level. Now he's consented to wear a blue belt, even though he's knocked off enough rust to be rolling at purple belt level again. I've been telling him he's ready to wear the purple again, but he's resistant.

Honestly, though, it doesn't matter what you wear, so long as you show up and get some training in. (And don't injure yourself by trying to immediately move the way you could 4 years ago.)
Puking during warmups mean they are working. Especially in wrestling or BJJ.

Seriously what is the point of training hard if not to hurl. It's like a badge of honor.

Your limits only increase with age, so regurgitate all over them imho.

Just remember to hydrate.

My view is that you should wear your belt and just be very open about where you’re at and the issues you’ve been dealing with
Frankly you deserve huge kudos for getting back on the mats after what you’ve been through
In my experience people will totally understand and be very supportive

I’d advise picking your training partners carefully and probably work with higher belts (ideally the older crew) until you find your feet as they will generally be more supportive and less likely to injure you
I’ll try to keep this brief. Fell in love with BJJ about a decade ago and was hooked day one. Trained religiously for 6-7 or so years, competed, did well and was a purple belt for about a year prior to having an extremely rare condition which paralyzed me waste down for about 3 months, took about 18 months to recover as best possible. Full mobility and range of motion/strength just neuropathy in feet a bit is all. Rolled maybe twice, got staph on my quad and needed leg saving surgery. Was out another 6 months, just to herniate a disk in my back and put me out another year plus. Point being is It’s been about four years since I’ve trained, I love it and miss it every day and I’m finally cleared to train and workout. Prior to injuries, I competed 194 walked around 205 and I’ve put on 50lbs! I’m a fat ****. literally haven’t been able to do ANYTHING physical in years and am a fat *** with zero flexibility who will want to puke after warmups likely.

Just want some some feedback here. Hard to admit this, but I’m embarrassed to roll into New gym (I relocated), in my current shape, having not rolled in 4+ years and strap on my purple belt. I fear the embarrassment of wearing it as right now I’ll get tuned up by anyone who can run a mile without stoping. I realize my learning curve will be super fast and everything will come back as I’ve continued to study online and such, but I just don’t know how I’ll feel wearing a semi ratty purple belt and not being able to perform basic fundamental techniques or even forgetting some of them. What’s your thoughts on how to approach this? thx for the perspective.
Have a set down with the trainer and repeat everything you just said. I think you will be do better starting at white, largely because it does not sound like you are ready for anything harder than that. The absolute worst thing you can afford right now is another setback.

Possibly you will accelerate back to blue but that is on the trainer.
I’ll try to keep this brief. Fell in love with BJJ about a decade ago and was hooked day one. Trained religiously for 6-7 or so years, competed, did well and was a purple belt for about a year prior to having an extremely rare condition which paralyzed me waste down for about 3 months, took about 18 months to recover as best possible. Full mobility and range of motion/strength just neuropathy in feet a bit is all. Rolled maybe twice, got staph on my quad and needed leg saving surgery. Was out another 6 months, just to herniate a disk in my back and put me out another year plus. Point being is It’s been about four years since I’ve trained, I love it and miss it every day and I’m finally cleared to train and workout. Prior to injuries, I competed 194 walked around 205 and I’ve put on 50lbs! I’m a fat ****. literally haven’t been able to do ANYTHING physical in years and am a fat *** with zero flexibility who will want to puke after warmups likely.

Just want some some feedback here. Hard to admit this, but I’m embarrassed to roll into New gym (I relocated), in my current shape, having not rolled in 4+ years and strap on my purple belt. I fear the embarrassment of wearing it as right now I’ll get tuned up by anyone who can run a mile without stoping. I realize my learning curve will be super fast and everything will come back as I’ve continued to study online and such, but I just don’t know how I’ll feel wearing a semi ratty purple belt and not being able to perform basic fundamental techniques or even forgetting some of them. What’s your thoughts on how to approach this? thx for the perspective.
You earned your belt. Wear it. Just understand you are getting back into things. If a black belt in an art became paralyzed or lost a limb, they don't have to forfeit their belt. Martial arts belts are not the same as prize fighting belts. Sure if you were heavyweight champion in boxing and retired then you couldn't come back years later as the heavyweight champion.
Better to have people wonder why you're wearing a white belt than why you're wearing purple.
I think being bloody paralysed is a pretty good reason for not being the sharpest purple belt on the mats.

Go easy on yourself.

And just wear your belt. It isn't that important.
Out of excuses I've seen on here for not training, paralysis followed by staff followed by a herniated disc is way better than most that we get. I can't imagine judging someone for not rolling at the level I'd expect with that history.
If you care what other people think...then yes. It will also make all the other white belts feel inferior. Reminds me of a Judo brown belt that purposefully held himself back and dominated the brown belt competitions, he should have been a Nidan by the time he chose to advance. Wearing the white belt would be like a big fish in a small pond. Great to dominate newbies but not really pushing yourself. Maybe as a small fish in a big pond, returning purple belt rolling with purple belts, he might be practicing techniques relevant to his rank.
I think that's true in competition. When starting somewhere new, less so since most BJJ schools I'm familiar with will have everyone roll with everyone anyway. There also isn't a concern of
returning purple belt rolling with purple belts, he might be practicing techniques relevant to his rank.
Since you'll still be rolling with them, and even if you're not you can practice any techniques - the schools I'm familiar don't really differentiate techniques between white/blue/purple/brown, with very few exceptions like risky leg locks they won't teach white belts.