Black Belt
I've been training for about 7 years. Was going to a school and the instructor told me he was going to test me for blue, ended up moving and going to a new school and only doing no gi. I've been training for a while and want to compete again in the near future. But I don't want to be a sand bagger. I've rolled with some purples around my weight, can't tap them but do put up a decent fight and defense. I'm definitely not at a purple level though. But I feel if I compete at novice again I'd be sand bagging. Even though I'm not ranked I have more than 1 year of steady training and the other 6 years are like 3-6 months here and there not consistent though. When I roll with blues my weight it's 50-50, I either tap them or they tap me or it's a draw. 50 percent of the time I win. What level should I compete no gi and gi in? I have no problem wearing a white belt in a gi, but it would be unfair for me to compete against a guy with only a few months of training. And also I want to test myself. I don't think I could hang against competitor purples though, my leg lock defense isn't good enough and I fear getting my leg messed up because I never learned proper leg lock defense. I'm considering doing masters blue belt for gi and no gi. What do you think?