How good was Bruce Lee??

I am sure he was a great martial artist and fighter. What truly made him great though was his philosphy. He was one of the first people to consider MMA. Not sure how he would fair in the cage at 135ish now. It would be fun to watch.
Gotta get in on this one...o-k, there are many innovations in everything around us. Our cars,phones,computers,t.v.s, and yes even fighting, however.....The only real innovations in fighting are the integration of older martial arts together for elimination of weak points that are in every form of martial arts. That being said, the arts we are studying and practicing to perfect are thousands of years old and the older ones know it better usually. Bruce Lee was in my opinion a purist of his arts. Put him in the ring with anyone studying the exact same art and it would be very interesting to see what would occur. He was a stunning martial artist. I don't think of anyone more impressive in any one form even to this day. just my Bruce.
I do stand corrected. I always thought he studied primarily Judo. As some research has proved....I was wrong as he was actually a MMA fighter in true form. He was badass to say the least!

In eyes he was definitely a martial arts legend, he did bong MA closer to people and made it very acceptable.
He was, with out the doubt, great technician and very fast.

Anyway, I guess we shall never know how good he was in today's standards.



bong?... didnt he just chew it :)

He was very driven to achieve his goals thats for sure. Almost seemingly to the level of well channeled OCD!
Todays standards? Is there really anything new under the sun.

How well he would do against another 140ish pounder, now thats a serious question, i think in a different setting to his movie upbringing etc, he would have made an exceptional full contact fighter, thats unquestionable.

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