How far do I need to extend "cold courtesy"?


Master of Arts
I picked up a mild cold, apparently from my kid, and the only symptoms are that a few times a day I spontaneously need to cough the phlem out. Most of the time however I feel normal and don't even realize I'm supposed to be sick.

When he had this cold, it lasted for over 3 weeks. I am nearing the end of my first week on it right now. On about the fourth day I went in for an hour of training, and about 5 minutes in the exercise started triggering the cough, which came on and off for the hour. Like I said, I felt okay and could have even gone on longer, however, I am aware that it sounded pretty bad and didn't wish to offend anybody, so I haven't been back to class for the rest of the week.

My real annoyance now is, how long do I continue to put off training for this "illness"? My only real reason for not going in has been that I don't want anybody to think I'm getting them sick, although the reality is, that's pretty unlikely:

The cough has lessened a bit, but it's stubbornly hanging on, and may continue for up to 3 weeks. Does dojo etiquette require that I stay away for the entire time I have symptoms, or is that carrying it a bit too far? My concern is that by being away for 3 weeks I will lose all my physical fitness, as that is my main source of excercise. (Much better than a gym IMO, because I can stick to it).

What do you think?
I have always been under the impression that a cold from the head up OK to train but from the neck down not so good. Another thought is your body is trying to fight of a illness and adding extra stress to your body by excessing can delay recovery.
I, on the other hand, usually try to sweat stuff like that out. If you're not contagious, just tell your classmates and keep training (unless, of course, your doctor says not to.)
I, on the other hand, usually try to sweat stuff like that out. If you're not contagious, just tell your classmates and keep training (unless, of course, your doctor says not to.)

I gotta second this. I find that working out usually helps to speed recovery or maybe I just feel worse when I don't exercise, either way if you're functional then attempt it. You'll figure it out quickly if you're okay to train.

Given that you are not contagious, I'd say there shouldn't be a problem with you training.

Hope you get better soon,
My rule of thumb is that is I'm coughing or sneezing actively, I try to limit my contact with others.

Part of it depends on what your practice is. If the class is doing forms, no problem. Sparring with gloves, again, not much problem (unless you cough/sneeze onto your equipment). Ground fighting... I'd stay away from, especially if you're prone to sudden coughing fits.

From your health perspective, I'd say not much issue. If you feel well enough to exercise, go for it. From a public health perspective, I'd say it depends (as above).

As you said, it's a courtesy more than anything else. Personally, I appreciate it when people who are obivously sick withdraw themselves from class, and I try to do them same.
Me personally I feel if you are sick, you should stay home. If you feel well enough to train , then train at home. Nothing annoys me more than the really sick co-worker who comes in then gets half the team or more sick. The only way to prevent things like colds, flu, etc..... Is isolation ! Don' get me wrong, I hope you feel better, but i think it is safe to say that no one else wants to catch what you have. Just my $0.02 :)

As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "If it does not kill you, it will make you stronger".

But then, it might also kill you....

Take it easy for a while. Maybe watch some of the others work out.


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