The sine wave is like mapping out how we involuntarily blink our eyes then training how to manually blink our eyes in the same pattern. The end result is that our blinking becomes less efficient and less effective. "Spring Knee" makes more sense because we naturally compress and expand. We don't move in a wave pattern when we fight. Unless we are constantly bouncing up and down when we fight.The Sine wave concept is like a car using square wheels. It goes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4. This will force you to create a form with almost the same amount of time between each punch.
This force you to train 1 step 1 punch. If you want to train
- 1 step 2 punches.
- 1 step 3 punches.
- 2 step 1 punches.
- 3 steps 1 punch.
- ...
Can you still use the Sine wave pattern?
I think sine wave is more applicable to TKD point sparring. Than to actual fighting. I think in fighting we see people compress and expand. Ducking a punc is compressing, rising after ducking is expanding. The variation of rising and lowering is just people trying to get into an advantageous position.
For a system that does mostly kicking, my assumption is that something was lost in translation when explaining it. I also read that not all TKD trains sine-wave.