How do you view kicking

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Some of us have naturally strong legs which we've inadvertantly trained for years as we were growing up. I don't claim to be a master or an expert but I'm well aware that I can deliver a kick with breaking force. I'm reluctant to fight (aren't we all) because it's tough not to hurt someone and if you give it any thought you might be the one to get hurt. I've gotten more confident in my lack of confidence over the years, if that makes sense. Sometimes a good stop kick just under the knee or to the pelvic bone can be a deterrent but when the adrenaline is going it's tough not to let the muscle memory take over, it is, after all, what we train for. Self defense is serious stuff. For that matter I'm confident a punch could be delivered an inch above the junk to crack someone's pelvic bone if you hit them with breaking force, which many of you guys posess two or three (or ten) times over. I think it's a whole'nother plateu of skill to know how hard to kick (or strike, period) a guy without doing too much damage. Being able to run fast is more important, IMO.
When I was young I tried every kick in the book. I was always very limber and I have long legs so I could use this to keep distance. As I grew older my philosophy changed and I rarely use a kick to the head unless the opportunity is just too good to pass up. I use kicks much the same way MMA fighters or MT fighter do. I go to the outside/inside of the legs because with power it can drop a would be attacker. I go to the knees with either a wheel or side kick. I go to the liver or groin. With the inception of MMA fights it is too easy to get your foot caught if the guy is committed to eating the kick on the way in to get you down. I think just age itself changes the way you kick do to reduced flexibility. I can't do the things I could when I was 18 anymore.
Kicking is good if kept low, I have been in a fight two weeks ago against two guys at a braai. They came at me with the intent to take me down but I used low mae - geri and mowashi - geri (front and rounddhouse kicks) to their shins and thighs and even one time I kicked one guy in the head when he tried to tackle me. They eventually got me down though but I managed to outlast them while wrestling (thank you Sensei). Then I went (ran) home. This may seem cowardly but it is better to avoid a fight than to be in it, know what I mean. I agree that spinning kicks are sort of useless, except as a finisher. Other kicks that may come in handy is the side kick and kansetsu geri (low side kick for knee area).
I have never (knock on wood) been in a real altercation before, so to say what I would do is a little hard for me to figure out.

There are several different answers to this for me, for several different scenerios:

1) If the attacker is just some guy in the bar that's drunk and wants to fight, then no, I won't use kicks...I'd prefer to let him wear himself out and evade...makes him look stupid as well as frustrates him. The only problem with this is that if the guy is drunk, there had better be a really, really good reason I'm still standing there to even consider letting the situation escalate to that level.

2) If the attacker has the jump on me (i.e. I'm getting mugged, or I'm getting robbed in my home, something of that nature), then I probably would throw some low kicks, since those are not that easy to block for someone who is untrained, and even if they are trained, the kicks are still going to hurt. My theory is that if you can take out someone's base, then the fight is halfway over.

3) If the attacker is trying to harm someone in my family or a loved one, then I'll do whatever is necessary to keep the attacker out of whatever kick is deliverable at the time is the one I will attempt to deliver.

I don't really think I would use high kicks in a real fight...not unless I felt confident enough that the kick would end the fight.
This is a great topic! I wrote in another thread- confidence is not knowing how to punch or kick, but when to kick and when to punch.

About a year ago I was forced to defend myself. My philosophy about SD is a fast hand strike to a vital area to stun and, if you have to, finish with a kick. I throat punched my attacker (which put him in shock) then using control I front kicked him in the solar plexus. (I was careful not use too much juice on the front kick--legality issue)

There are really too many variables envolved to quantify a "concrete" answer. Each SD sitiation is different.

My philosophy, is as stated above
I like kicks. I am fairly tall, so I use them to keep an assailant at bay. I also train to use them in conjunction with other techniques. As with everything, it is very situational. I like the front snap kick best for ease of use.

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