in a streetfight where i am squaring off with a enemy, or being attacked or hunted, i do not rely on kicking as an effective strike. i like to remain concentrated on my upperbody. until now, when i have gotten into such situations, i never thought to kick although if a fight were to drag on, i would surely break out the kicks at the right time.
it's hard enough getting a punch or whatever other strike in on a ready opponent, much less a kick. furthermore, the most important thing in a strike at the initial stage of a fight, is the power and effect of the strike-definately could be called manstopping power or knockout power. whatever the case, if the strike doesnt connect, it should at least let the opponent know that he is in danger. i personally have always connected my first strikes in real fighting.
the reason that i dont favor kicks is that i wouldn't break out kicks until i know that there is no danger of being rushed. also, there is usually a greater distance to cover so that if i am close and kick, it is dangerous for i might get rushed,loose balance or simply not connect the kick. if i am at 'kicking distance' then it is really easy for the opponent to see coming.
so i would close in and then kick. most people dont expect kicks, some also dont fear kicks instinctivly. establishing distance or respect is really important.
now it may sound like i dont use kicks, but actually i have a very extensive arsenal of kicks, high low, fancy and simple. -
from the psychological perspective, it is kindof disturbed enough to be punching someone, even more so to kick someone.-
pretty much the only good target other than the head would be the solarplexus/belly, groin or throat,sternum,knee(if hit just right,otherwise, ouch)- anything else might have very little effect of a hardend fighter.
stompkicks can be used to push away oncoming danger. for example once when two were holding me and the other beating me, i pushed the guy in front of me away with a stomp kick- mind you, this only pissed him off more.
i am quite confident that i can land many devastating highkicks and midsection kicks in a real fight too. however, it is a slight gamble. and the simplest explaination i can come up with, is that until now, i never have 'felt the desire' to break out kicks at the beginning of a fight. another reason is that if i were to connect a powerful kick, i might **** up the person more than the law or his parents would approve of.
sparing is essentialy no different that real fighting in the movements and techniques, just in spirit and difficulty level. for me, kicks, kickfakes-(raising the knee) ,knees are crucial building blocks of my security. it is apparent what i mean to me when i spar with a boxer only boxing or a grappler only grappling, i notive right away that my freedom as well as my security are slightly compromised if not challenged.
as far as i know, it has been statistically proven that the greatest chance to land a highspinkick, is when the opponent rushes, -but it requires impeccable timing and precognition-and will always be somewhat risky