Kick or punch

kicks don't work against aggressive opponents (because of the range), thats all.
Kicks work very well against aggressive opponents.

There was one time that I sparred with a boxer. He moved in quickly and tried to knock my head off. Suddenly he collapsed right in front of me. When he rushed toward me, my front kick kicked out without thinking. He ran into my kick, got some broken ribs, and dropped.

IMO, Kick doesn't work well against someone who moves back, But it works very well against someone who moves forward.
in the beginning i trained to be a kicker, too. because its cool and its what people think first of, when hearing about martial arts.
today i train punches more, after i learned, that martial arts kicking is the more useless, the more realistic a fight is (mma, street, self-defense), because opponents will come close, no matter what you do. straight stop kicks work well once or twice and then - infight. not to mention the balance problem.
I learned a few years ago that kicks are effective much at much closer range than I thought. A Ryu-kyu Kempo instructor (who looked like Santa Claus) demonstrated that he could kick me when I was standing next to him, shoulder-to-shoulder. Not in front of him - next to him. Without him turning. It was embarrassing to get my *** handed to me by Kris Kringle.
I like both but according to one of my karate instructors, I have an exceptional kicking skill. He said I need to work on my punches though

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