How do I get personal training when I can’t afford it?

Jason Mercer

White Belt
Feb 10, 2023
Reaction score
Albany, New York
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!
My thoughts about protecting others is that it doesn't have anything to do with martial arts. Sometimes jumping into another's conflict can get you killed. If anything you should do Martial Arts for yourself. I think you may get more out of it that way. If you want to protect people, then maybe a career in law enforcement or security is a better option.
Oh I forgot. My experience has been that kung fu is probably the most affordable way. I haven't met a kung fu teacher yet who isn't willing to work out some way to contribute to the school if you are unable to pay the full cost of classes.
Oh I forgot. My experience has been that kung fu is probably the most affordable way. I haven't met a kung fu teacher yet who isn't willing to work out some way to contribute to the school if you are unable to pay the full cost of classes.
I have. In New York I've seen 3 schools of the like 5 total cma schools I checked out that were expensive. One was ~200/month, another was 2000 something for the year, required all at once, and the other was 150 to 200 depending on how many styles you did. The other two were definitely in the cheaper range.
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!
I believe most everyone on here with martial arts experience has had to make great sacrifices, effort and commitment to get to a level where we are not tough guys, but tough enough to reliably protect ourselves and even others.

It's likely for you to accomplish your goals you will have to prioritize it and do the same. With that said, if you want people to invest in you, make sure you are a good investment. It's possible you will find a great teacher for low to zero cost.

However it will likely cost you time, effort and money to accomplish your goals.
You don't have to pay that much if you joint in informal class offered by university, community college, YMCA, YWCA, ...

The most expensive way to learn MA is to have your teacher to live in your house.
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As others have said, non-profit clubs, the Y, and community centers are a good option for inexpensive training. Looking for garage schools is another good choice, a lot of people teaching out of their garage (or local park, or backyard) are doing it because they love the art and aren't concerned about the money. It's a little tougher if you don't have any experience because they may have less to gain from your participation and if you don't know how to assess the instruction they can be hit and miss in terms of quality, but there's some great training available this way if you look.

I'm currently training for free in a garage school and price wasn't actually a real part of my decision making process. I looked at a number of schools and this seemed like the best option for what I wanted to learn within a reasonable driving distance, regardless of cost. I've just gotten started, but so far the quality of instruction seems great. Of course money matters, but if I'd found something I liked better for $100 or maybe even $200/month I'd have paid for it, though at $200 I might need to like it a lot better.

If you're really serious about this, you can get a head start on things by working on your fitness while you're trying to find a school. There are a lot of good body weight exercise routines online that you can do for free, even in a small apartment. Same goes for improving your flexibility. Community centers or the Y may have cheap or even free weight rooms and with some research you can find good weight lifting programs for free online if you don't have experience with weight lifting. I'd also be happy to recommend some books on the subject. Wind sprints are a great, pretty much, full body workout and the bonus is that if you don't need to protect anyone else, being a fast runner goes a long way on the self protection front. Getting yourself in great shaped will make it a lot easier and faster to learn a MA when you're able to start.
For what it's worth:
One of my best teachers (albiet, I only trained with him for a short time) was Dave Gould -- someone who would be considered, easily, one of the best Filipino Martial Artists in the United States, foremost authorities on the Lameco Eskrima system, and by far the "toughest" Martial Artist that I've ever met, seen, or heard of. The intensity of training with him was unlike anything else, as was both his technical skill, and raw speed and power. By all measures, he's as close as it comes to "the real deal," and posses a wealth of technical knowledge, stories, and experience to boot, which he freely shares.
Lessons, if I recall, were something like $15 for an hour. Something absurdly cheap. And they often ran well in excess of an hour. The Dojo was his front yard. I don't think he does it for the money, but for the love of the art and in order to have people to train with. By far, the lessons I did with him were the best value that I've ever had, and I wish I had lived near him long enough to become much more proficient in the system.
Great teachers like this training out of their back yard are obscure and hard to find. I learned about him from a contact on this forum. But, if you seek it, you will find it. Just do what you can with what you have. I spent a tremendous amount of effort and money to seek out the martial arts, and martial artists that I wanted to learn (from), and in no case have I ever driven less than two hours to go train -- usually just once a month, if that. If you can go out and train with someone once or twice a month and form a local group to train with, your options broaden substantially.
I have. In New York I've seen 3 schools of the like 5 total cma schools I checked out that were expensive. One was ~200/month, another was 2000 something for the year, required all at once, and the other was 150 to 200 depending on how many styles you did. The other two were definitely in the cheaper range.
I'm always cautious the expensive martial arts schools. I don't think there's anything in martial that's worth 2000 a month a person can go to college for less than 2000 a month. When Icheck out the one that cost 200 a month and see if they offer a customize package or assistance for those who can't afford classes.
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!
You can sign up for paul Ingrams online kali course for $5 a Month, that's a steal imo. Also knew of a guy who learned rapido realismo eskrima by watching YouTube videos from blade society, he learned the 12 strikes etc. I don't think it's as good as in person training but it's better than nothing, and I've seen online students who were pretty good, not grandmasters or anything but they knew enough to defend themselves and usually a bit more too. I also 2nd that post about getting in shape and building some muscle, you can get a basic planet fitness for only $10 a month. And you can get bigger and stronger there, you wont become arnold but you can become a force to be reckoned with. So my tips, do some online stuff, maybe join a gym and build some muscle and bulk up a bit and become strong, save up a few dollars a month and when you have a better money situation you can go to in person classes.
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!
HI Jason welcome to MT i was picked on since i was a kid until now too if you want somebody to teach you you have to to go and try a Martial Arts Near you and ask how much is there price for private lesson the one you can afford. Its always good to protect somebody from harm but its gonna be hard and you cant always be there and also you might get hurt protecting somebody you have to have enough Martial art experience because if you protect someone and you cant fight the fight the one whose doing the bullying you might end up being a Target so dont get involve on anything unless you need to and dont provoke it either
I also hate being picked on. It's admirable that you want to learn martial arts to protect others who have been in the same situation. Have you tried looking for community centers or local clubs that offer martial arts classes? They may offer lower rates or even free courses. You can also check out online tutorials and practice on your own. I've been taking personal training courses for a month now to become a professional trainer. But I will help people fit in the gym; I'm not interested in martial arts. So, I can't help you personally, but I hope you find the right option!
I teach two students at my home for free. My instructor suggested that I find students to hone my skills. I put an add in NextDoor. Also try Meetup. Meetup is where I found my current school. Never know, maybe you’ll get lucky.
So I’m 25 and I’m from Albany NY. I’ve always been weak and I’ve always been picked on. It makes me sad and what makes me feel even worse is seeing others who are weak being picked on too. I don’t have much money for sessions in Martial Arts training but I want to learn from a Sensei personally. Not because I want to act tough or pick fights but because I want to be able to protect others who are weak have been in the same bullying situations as I have. Does anyone know a Martial Arts teacher who I can seek training from to accomplish my how of becoming stronger and ti protect others who are weak and defenseless? Thanks!

How far are you willing to drive?

-There is a very good Kyokushin Karate School in Latham
-A talented Wing Chun Sifu in Albany
-There is also a JKD school in Albany, possibly 2 schools in Albany
-There use to be a Bujinkan Ninjutsu school in Southern Saratoga County, pre-pandemic. not sure it is still there, but it was hard to find before the pandemic, they did not, and do not, advertise.
Also a couple Muay Thai gyms in the area
And a couple good places in Saratoga Springs

They all charge and. you would need to contact the schools to see what it wold cost you.
My thoughts about protecting others is that it doesn't have anything to do with martial arts. Sometimes jumping into another's conflict can get you killed. If anything you should do Martial Arts for yourself. I think you may get more out of it that way. If you want to protect people, then maybe a career in law enforcement or security is a better option.
I think that is the wrong mindset. If I see someone in danger and in need of help, I would jump in to help out.
Obviously I would evaluate the situation and observe first.

If its some armed notorious gang picking on someone, I would call the cops and not jump in.

If its some drunk dude harrassing a woman and getting physical, I would.

In fact, I have done this quite a few times already. If we all just look away or wait until the Police arrives, then what society will we become ?

But protecting others is certainly the wrong motivation for martial arts... this is more a case of becoming Spiderman or Batman.
If there is a back yard/garage FMA school near you, chance are they would allow you to train, paying what you can afford.
Well, at some point, I can relate to your desire to build strength and protect others—it's a noble goal.
Get an extra job. Sign up for Doordash or Lyft, or donate plasma. At least my area, the going monthly rate is about $125 to $150 in most MA schools. So you only need to make an extra $25 to $35 a week to cover it.

I know you asked for personal training, but it seems like you're asking for that because you think it's cheaper than training in an MA school. It's not, and if you've been picked on a lot, then there are social benefits to training in a group setting. If none of these are the issue, and you still want personal training, then I say "beggars can't be choosers."
Something for nothing…and in the USA? That’s going to be tough to find unless, by some miracle, you come across a benevolent martial arts teacher.

I’d suggest you watch the ‘Kick ***’ movies with a note pad and pencil and take it from there…
Anything running on commercial grounds are bound to be expensive. Our club is run from enthusiats, our instructors do it for the love of their art, and have normal side jobs. And it's a non-profit organisation. This also means that as a student, you never have to doubt that advice give to you is sincerece from deep knowledge of the art and not business tricks or commercial interests. I pay ~ 300 USD for one year. That does not to paying instructors, it's for the club to be able to afford having a nice dojo. And we have top ranked instructors with international experiences, they are not in it for the money so it's priviligie to be part of such community, which is why it grows karatekas that in the future wants to "give back" what has been given to them, for new students.