I've said this before, but despite having no sensible counter argument, people like yourself just carry on putting feelings ahead of the facts.
Once more, training is not the martial art.
Training is skill and attribute development.
Training is what determines fighting ability.
Training varies from school to school, never mind art to art.
In 20 years of being in and around martial arts I've encountered only one martial arts school that doesn't spar.
I've encountered only one that could be called a McDojo.
Now maybe things are different here in the UK to the US or wherever you may be, but I'd wager your impression of "BS in TCMA" is based more on YouTube videos and forums than anything that could be considered evidence.
If you've never trained with a Southern crane school you have no idea about either the content of the arts nor the common cultural emphasis in their training.
If you really want to learn only what is common to combat sports all he need do is check for schools that do Sanshou
The guy is in a place far from home. What is the point in visiting the other side of the world to do the same stuff he could do in his own back yard.
My Advice to the OP: take the opportunity to experience as much as you can from as wide and unusual a variety of sources as you can.
The more you experience, the broader your perspective will be, the broader your skill set will be, the better your foundation.
After you get back home a Taekwondo school will be the best way to learn to understand how to apply your Capoeira.