How did you hear about MartialTalk?

I was just putting differant names on the search engine and
"it is thousands of martial art sites on the search engine"
anyway I seen martial art chat, and I thought it was impressive
to see a large number of members here. So I signed up

Thank You

Saw the web listing on a flyer

im a newbie to the computer a little under
a year but i love it.

Martial Talk Rocks.:boing1:
I stumbled into MartialTalk via a link from KenpoNet, which I found during a URL searching spree when I first started studying Kenpo this spring.
I was chit-chatting with Mr. Conaster at Kenpo Camp '02 and he said go to this site. So I did, because I thought it would make him like me.
But nobody likes me.:waah:
I'll just try harder.
It's so hard, being kenposcum.
i saw this site as i was surffing
looking for someone to ask if there was ninjitsu in dayton
i found out thanks to this site
Through with is far superior to this site :duel:

Originally posted by Posiview

Through with is far superior to this site :duel:


Stay there. We prefer our members to be familiar "with" grammar and spelling.

:armed: :uzi:

P.S. You have made the classic mistake of bringing a knife/blade to a gunfight.
Originally posted by Posiview

Through with is far superior to this site

I see it runs vBulletin now--is that a change? The layout of the fora looks different somehow from the last time I was there.
Doug, that was a tad rude....

Comparing forums is a tough call. Each one is different. Budoseek has several features that we dont. We have a few they don't. To say 1 is better than another isn't fair. There is overlap in our audiences, yet there are also areas that make us both unique. Mr. Carver does a hell of a job over there, and it is on the list of those few forums that I frequent daily.

Course, I can't complain about us either...we got over 240 votes on their top 10 MA forums listing. (#1 spot) :D

Budoseek's forum software : Looks like they ran UBB until September 2001 when they switched to vBulletin.
cdhall, in defence of Martialtalk you refer to my grammer! Game set and match to you, then!!!

By the way, I was only jesting!!:wink2: I have not had time to check this site in any great detail. From what I've seen, though, it's a very good site.

ps, cdhall, they're not knifes, they're lightsabers
