WHAT scares you?

I got a 14. Probably cause I really didn't see ANY of those horror movies...and it was hard to decide between planes, spiders and height. Kids was not an option ... TW
I got a 19 as well... but when you are, apparently, The stuff of other peoples nightmares...

I ended up with a 10... I dunno if that's good or bad.
It says a few rounds of horror movies will do me good... hell I live off of horror... just not the grotesque gory type.. but mind-screwings like "The Ring", Se7en and others like it. :idunno: To each their own I guess.

What's interesting though... is how folks are making light of the original question. A friend/fellow MA of mine ( :rolleyes: guess who?) were discussing that... came to the conclusion that being afraid isn't a very MA thing... ah! I countered... not having fear isn't being a good MA (IMO)... for fear teaches and fear saves lives.... if enacted upon properly.
Besides it's fun to be scared... bwaha ha ha ha ha...

Bah won't work for me.
If the power goes out I kill something because I probably just finnished an impossible fight in a video game. And as for movies umm none of the above.
still 15 sure why not.
Hum, i do tend to be afraid of heights, unless i'm trying to show off but even then i have my heart in my throat....i don't do haunted houses after the last one i went to and some dummy grabbed me from behind, i screamed and went to elbow him and my brother caught me mid-ways....lucky guy....i can't stand snakes....at least ones that i don't know what they are. hum...i only got a 9....i'm squeamish and need more horror movies???????????? who came up with this....i'm not squeamish and i love horror movies....i want a recount
Lucky guy indeed. Haunted houses in general usually have a "hands-off" policy for the employees when it comes to scaring patrons. Usually because they want to avoid assault/sexual harassment charges/allegations. In your case however it's probably for the employee's safety... Somebody call OSHA. (aka OHSHIT by those employers who'd been fined before).
That guy owes your brother his life I'd say.. hee hee.
umm dark places with creepy guys :) bout the only thing i can think of (and unfortuntly iv been in that palce befor
waking up with the guy from the latest burgerking commercial would freak me out. the one where the guy wakes up to the king
ReturningThunder said:
waking up with the guy from the latest burgerking commercial would freak me out. the one where the guy wakes up to the king
LOL yes I agree he is freaky!
Dan Quayle becoming President.

Or maybe Kaith getting the same job?

It is a tie.

Bester said:
Dan Quayle becoming President.

Or maybe Kaith getting the same job?

It is a tie.


Very funny. I'll have you know I'm quite better at spelling than the BirdMan.

Gary, flatlander might try and scare you... but if he's sneaking up behind you, it's only for a hug!