WHAT scares you?

What am I scared of? women drivers (I know, it's an oxymoron)...j/k :D really, I can't really think of anything I'm scared of. I used to be absolutely terrified of heights but working construction (roofing, scaffolds, ladders etc.) cured me of that.
MACaver said:
Ahh, but it's not the height nor the fall you should be afraid of... but the sudden stop at the end. At which point won't matter much anyway. Oddly enough it doesn't matter how high either.
I knew of a scout-master who fell just six feet in a cave and died. He was not wearing a helmet.
Thanks MACaver for making me feel SSSOOOOO much better about my fear! Thats what I love about this place... all the love and support and comfort I get from the people here :p
Nalia said:
Thanks MACaver for making me feel SSSOOOOO much better about my fear! Thats what I love about this place... all the love and support and comfort I get from the people here :p
:wink1: Anytime darlin', glad to help. Mebbe you should do what Kenpotex did...
Kenpotex said:
<snip>I used to be absolutely terrified of heights but working construction (roofing, scaffolds, ladders etc.) cured me of that.
Or come down to Ewtah and get some over the edge training with me. Heh heh... that'll cure ya!
MACaver said:
Or come down to Ewtah and get some over the edge training with me. Heh heh... that'll cure ya!
After seeing those pics, I would love too!!! Maybe some day, *sigh :)
Kitten's and flowers and the sky and umm cheese. Oh i forgot Rabits. Horrible things they are. They have these teeth you see...
Nah nothing really. I mean a person putting a gun to my face would terrify me I'm possibly. That's not something I'd worry about unless it happens. Even then I don't know as it has never happend. I used to be afraid of heights but I got over that years ago. Not much really.
Exposed Heights. My heart pounds, I feel light headed.

Interestingly enough. I'm comfortable in a chairlift, worked in a crane basket 120 feet off the ground, done some recreational climbing. I'm fine as long as I've got something solid to look at or am tied in. But you can't get my within 15 feet of an exposed ledge.

Irrational, but what the hey.

Oh and finding snakes. Once my brain recovers from the adrenyline dump, I'm fine with them, but that split second... yikes.
Listening to Country music backwards.

Getting the Ex-wife back scares me
%think% - :xtrmshock :waah: :vu: :eek: :( :uhoh: :confused: :erg:

Seriously, what scares me is . . .
Spiders.....Especially Black Widows.....They glide across the floor and have like armour.....and just spiders in general >_<
Im with you on the spider one....nasty little buggers.

Master of Blades said:
Spiders.....Especially Black Widows.....They glide across the floor and have like armour.....and just spiders in general >_<
I should be arachnophobic since I nearly died from a Black Widow bite in 1985,but they don't bother me at all.
Sarah said:
I love snakes, fascinated with them.
after living in a house where they saw fit to take residence....I've had enough of'em....we stopped counting when the 93rd one came outta the basement without a head because of Mr. Remington. :)
I got a 19...
Blood guts and gore are your favorite things and nothing seems to scare you. Halloween is like Christmas to you so go have a bloody good time!
I got a 15 lol

"You can stomach things most people cringe at, but is that because your strong
or because you enjoy watching other people squirm ?"

Could this be due to me being a NURSE?