How dangerous is a typical street fight?

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So much epic fail in that post I almost don't know where to begin.

I'm 35, bro.

No alpha male, huh.

A few years ago I was watching a historical TV series call Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It was about real historical heroes who dreamed of the exhilaration of defeating their enemy in the arena, the adulation of the crowd, and the glory of a warriors death.

If those aren't real "alpha males" to look up too and admire then I don't what is.

I'll do you one better, bro, I have no idea who Geoff Thompson is.

Ok, so you are a troll then.
I know a great many 'Alpha males' by no description does our friend on here resemble any of them.
Bro you feel me like I'm a crusher bro I break bones for a living you feel me. Alpha dogs hoooooowwwwwlllllllll what what. You feel me. Alpha male bro all day.
So much epic fail in that post I almost don't know where to begin.

I've gone through your posts thus far, and, well, this is where I'll jump in… because you're right, there's so much epic fail here… it's just not where you think it is.

I'm 35, bro.

This one'll be blunt: You're 35? Then grow the hell up.

No alpha male, huh.

Absolutely. If I was to categorise you based on your posts here, assuming they have at least half basis in truth, and only half trying to impress, you're a beta with an inferiority complex, some major personal issues, and no coping mechanisms. You seriously need to grow up, or you're going to end up badly. And far sooner than you think.

A few years ago I was watching a historical TV series call Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It was about real historical heroes who dreamed of the exhilaration of defeating their enemy in the arena, the adulation of the crowd, and the glory of a warriors death.

Er… "historical"??? Dude… fantasy is not reality. Once again, grow up.

If those aren't real "alpha males" to look up too and admire then I don't what is.

Well, you got that right as well… you don't know what an Alpha Male is.

I'll do you one better, bro, I have no idea who Geoff Thompson is.

So here's your opportunity to gain some education… of course, I doubt it'd do anything for you… you're too wrapped up in your own self delusion to look to anything else… so I'll just end on this.

We're not interested in validating your fantasy rantings. We're not interested in you trying to impress us (and, for the record, you don't). We're not interested in thugs, tiny little boys in adult bodies who feel so hard done by that they start fights with people based on the fact that they think someone has something they don't deserve (such as "a woman way too hot for him"… misogyny is such an 80's look, you know…), or anything else you're peddling. We're not interested in your stories of having no self control.

You, frankly, are an embarrassment to your industry, and bring nothing of value to this forum. If you're a troll, get over yourself and get a life. If you're serious… grow the hell up.
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