Well if you do not want to disagree then do not force your self to unless it is for the greater good of mankind

So you have drifted off a little from your accusation that I am conferring illegitimacy upon some Aikido styles and but anyway I will respond to what you have written here..
I think you may be labouring under some misapprehensions in your subjective view of what is or is not Aikido.. First YES! there IS true Aikido.. Let me try to explain for you.. And this is not meant to impugn your knowledge or challenge rather to try to make this point clear so you -or anybody else- is not misunderstanding me.. ok so this does not concern what *I* class as Aikido.. yes? I am just practitioner you are correct I did not know O'Sensei also correct I am not that old! My old sensei back home did train he would have recounted for short time under O'Sensei at our honbu.. Still.. does not matter an iota what I class as any thing..
What O'Sensei did is to take a word, a term, already in existence.. Aikido is just a word ok? It is not his word.. was ALREADY a word prior to what is commonly regarded nowadays as the martial art Aikido.. and then form his art AROUND this word Ai-ki-do utilising what he had learned and modified from Takeda Sokaku in his formative days of DRAJJ.. What therefore you maybe are missing fundamentally is that what Aikido actually *IS* has less to do with the who or the when or the where -let alone what *I* decide.. and is specified by the very word Aikido.. Now I am not even slightly fluent in Japanese..
@Chris Parker is our go-to Nihongo translator and can enlighten.. Ai-ki-do as commonly transliterated from its ideograms is the way of Peace/Harmony of Spirit, essentially concerning Heaven and Earth harmonised and the idea of Budo as an expression of the love of God..
So.. therefore.. simply put -and as I have already stated- if your Aikido would intentionally harm your opponent or condone in any way harm to uke then NO, it is not Aikido.. does not matter a toss what Jenna online think of it.. whether it may look like Aikido or feel like Aikido upon the body.. if it is not Ai-Ki-Do the way of Harmony (Chris please help me out with more accurate translations if there are any) then it is NOT Aikido.. So.. is what you practice still legitimate? I do not know.. you tell me as it was you who originated the comment about legitimacy.
Like I can assemble any selection of throws and say it is Judo.. It look like Judo it perform like judo.. It is just not Kano Judo.. Legitimate? I do not know.. who is adjudicating??
I can buy a pattern manifold for a 3.2 air-cooled and but it is not a Porsche part.. how I feel about that is subjective.. it is legitimate part?? it is not legitimate part?? depend on what you feel..
This is more clear??