How A Real Man Fights

Real men can walk down the street in mini skirts and drop anyone with minimum fuss who attacks them. They then pick up their clutch bags and walk off knowing that justice was done.

In my city, there is a man who walks his dog downtown every morning in nothing but a bathrobe and thong. Nobody messes with him.
In my city, there is a man who walks his dog downtown every morning in nothing but a bathrobe and thong. Nobody messes with him.

Reminds me of Don Schrader, an Albuquerque fixture. Tanning, wearing a thong, drinking his own urine daily, and having sex with boys. He's got his own cable access TV show and stalks about downtown explaining it all to everyone. Nobody messes with him either, because...ew.
I think there is three thing that brings victory in a fight:

good reflex
ability to predict your enemy moves

Size doesn't found here.

Yes, speed * mass = power of the kick, but that just mean that somebody with smaller hand (example) will deliver less power than someone with giant hand.

But that doesn't mean he won't hurt you with that less power.

Talking about my experience, i fighted more then ten times. School and street fights. Always with bigger guys. I never get beated. That was before i started martial arts.

Again, speed, good reflex, ability to predict your enemy moves. I think that's it.

Maybe to add that anyway, for bigger guys it's more easy to fight then to us (smaller). Smaller guy must have much more abilityes to win the fight with bigger guy.

Also, matters which size we are talkin' about. All i wroted works if you are goin' to face somebody bigger then you. But, if you going to face a guy which is REALLY bigger than you, whose forearm is bigger then your quadriceps, then or run or get some weapon. Or hope you will be sucess in striking his throat.
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That's why I gave the example of Andre the Giant, no matter how good of a grappler any of the Gracie family members are, they could never hope to beat him, simply because of his musculature. Fortunately, most people never run into a situation where there's someone with just TOO much muscle, so this is a rare situation.

I'm sorry...maybe I'm misunderstanding here. Are you saying that they wouldn't be able to beat someone like that because it would require them to roll around for 30min...something that we dont want to do in a street fight or they wouldnt be able to beat him period, even if it were in a controlled setting?

I do agree though...a man that size is, IMHO, the exception, the extreme exception to the rule. LOL. Thats why I said that if faced with someone like that, if running was out of the question, I'd grab and use the nearest weapon that I could get my hands on.
A "real man" only cares about surviving because he is no good to his friends/his allies/ his family/ his cat/ anyone depending on him if he is dead.
I know you all have heard it at one point or another. Somebody finds out about your martial arts training, they're larger, muscle-bound and untrained, they laugh and push you back and say "I bet you kick in a fight! You can't fight like a real man! You'll never be able to beat my muscle!" I've heard the phrase a lot lately and so I decided to see what MT had to say about such people.

Among the things that I've heard from people like that, I've heard that a real man will:

Never throw kicks
Only use fist punches
Only use his muscles
Never attack the eyes or groin
Never go to the ground
and so on and so forth.

Now granted, muscle WILL always beat everything activities that involve muscle or weight, such as hardest strikes, weight lifting or something. And of course, no matter how technically skilled you are, you probably won't be able to beat Andre The Giant in hand to hand combat (unless you happen to be Wesley!), but that's just one variable. I just want to know what my fellow martial artists have to say about statements such as these.

I like the following quote from Firefly the TV Series:
Jayne: "I'll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight. Or if he bothers me. Or if there's a woman. Or if I'm gettin' paid. Mostly when I'm gettin' paid."

Real Man is like saying Average Man or some other term that as previously mentioned needs to be clarified and defined.

I prefer to think of myself as an Abnormal Man or on some days a Superior Man. But that is for a discussion over a beer. ;)
That's why I gave the example of Andre the Giant, no matter how good of a grappler any of the Gracie family members are, they could never hope to beat him, simply because of his musculature. Fortunately, most people never run into a situation where there's someone with just TOO much muscle, so this is a rare situation.

Andre was huge but not muscular huge. As we say sometimes, theres always someone badder around the corner.

Any giant could be chopped down.

Size can be a determining factor but it isn't the rule, at least with anyone I know.
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What I always find is that a little knowledge in the hands of the regular jerk really works to their detriment. I get statments like "Your in Kyokushin so you can't punch me in the face/groin/sweep if I were going to attack you." What they don't realize is they are mixing up tournament fighting with street fighting. I would never fight dirty against a fellow karateka be it Kyokushin, Seido or some other style. Some random guy saying stuff like this, the first thing I would do is hit him in the face, then the groin, then whatever soft targets I can get to with the same force I would use to break a brick (and considerably more force than I would ever use against an honorable competitor). Heck, I don't think I would even make a fist, I much prefer palm heel and knife hand and spear hand in a self defense/street fight situation ... cuz it's fun to say, "Look at you bleeding and I didn't even make a fist."

They seem to think we only learn things having to do with tournament rules because MT and Boxing are sports based they must think it carries over. Kicks and punches are the mere tip of the iceberg when it comes to karate.
Firstly, as has been already pointed out, a 'real man' will not be drawn into a fight, that can be avoided, to let some dork show how his muscles are big and strong and how he thinks he can defend himself against a Martial Artist. Apart from anything else, s#!t can happen and we don't want to get hurt unnecessarily.
Secondly, Martial Artists do play by the rules:
Rule 1. There are no rules.
Rule 2. When in doubt, refer to rule one.

So in the real world, kick the groin, rake the face and eyes, burst the ear drum, destroy a joint ... whatever it takes to escape the situation. Martial Arts are for our self defence, not to satisfy the curiousity of some muscle-bound moron. :asian:

Well, there is one more rule... Remember, you are the good guy. It makes it too difficult after the fact if you go to excessive force... Granted, it would be poetic justice in a way for the guy starting the fight to be in the worst possible shape afterwards, but... it doesn't look good in court, if you know what I mean. I don't wanna get taken away by the cops for winning the fight, lol.

But if he's got some friends that jump in... oh yeah. Any means necessary. Free military techniques, come get yours! *Snap* *Crackle* *Pop*
I don`t know who these "real men" are, all I want to do is to get home in one piece. Oh and I`ll tear your throat out with my teeth using the strength of my last drop of blood if you try to stop me from doing that. Peace.
In my opinion, a real man, when driven to the point of fighting, fights to win. I think they should fight to destroy whoever their fighting. If it means kicks, going for the groin and eyes, then so be it.

I fully agree...

Thank you,
Milt G.
Hello, How a real Man fights?

First he is always a Gentleman, a father figure, a brother and friend...
Humble,Kind and gentle...

Has a "killer instinct about them...Very little fears!

Know the Power of the human langauges....Simple talks his way out of most situtions and learn awareness, avoidness

A real man will step up to protect those of weaker weakness...and will do what one needs to help others and himself...peacefully first...

Win or lose...a Real man can take it!

Aloha, ...still learning to be a better Man...

Read: Hand book to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Jr....

PS: Man enough to be act like a Man! ...easy to be a monkey and fight!
Are we talking "fight" as in a competition or we talking "fight" as out in the street?

In competition, one that has character and a sense of honor fights within the set rules.

On the street you better fight to survive, regardless.

Because on the street there is no set rules and no referree or bell to save your butt. It's either you or them and any personal rules or parameters you choose for yourself will impact the outcome of the confrontation.

The only rule I choose to have is that I do whatever's necessary to be the one that walks away in one piece. Whether my opponent thinks that's "manly" or not makes no difference to me.
Trying to deal with (real men) is like plucking weeds. Pluck one out and five more pop up to take it's place. The best thing to do is to make a joke out of the conversation, and try to change the topic.
So, basically these fools are saying to you the only thing that 'should' matter in a fight is how hard you can hit, based on muscle, and how much punishment you can take. Sounds like 'real men' are defined as muscle bound bullies that only like to fight when they can use their muscles to pound out their anger issues on somebody smaller than them. 'Real men' gotta love 'em.
How real men fight?

Would you consider the men of Sparta to be real men back in the age of Marathon and Thermopylae? You know, King Leonidas I, the 300, and all that.

Well the Spartans boycotted the Olympics cause they didn't allow eye gouging!

And that's how real men fight. They fight to win.

"Ē tan ē epi tas" .. that means "bring back your shield or be on it."


Well, this is an interesting little thread here... If I may, I would like to add a note or two.

To begin with, the concept of a "real man" needs clarification. The OP has an instance where a non-martial artist makes the claim that "real men (essentially) don't need martial arts", and to use such lowers the man's masculinity. For the record, I also see such misuse of the term Alpha Male in place of Real Man in this context. The people making these claims are not aware of what a Real Man actually is, instead attempting to imitate what they believe it to be (for various reasons), becoming "false" Men, or "false" Alpha Males. So let's look at what a Real Man (or Alpha Male) really is.

A true Alpha Male is driven, they know what they are after, and are willing to go after it or seek it out. He is generous to those around him, by caring for them and protecting them, even in ways that are not immediately recognised as generous (the way a caring parent will ground or scold a child, as well as protect and provide for them). He is confident and deliberate, even in his acceptance of any lack he has. He is congruent at all times. They are also internally validated, needing none from any external source.

There's obviously more, but this is a good list to start with.

When it comes to violence, an Alpha Male does what he needs to do. He doesn't necessarily seek it out, but he doesn't avoid it either. He is confident in his ability to handle such aspects of life. And in that we find how a Real Man fights. He fights when he needs to, how he needs to. He embraces the idea that violence is a part of his life, and one that he needs to be able to handle.

The most important thing in regard to a Real Man and violence is that he does actually seek to understand and deal with it, rather than hiding from it, and that involves in many cases taking up martial arts, joining the army, or some other variant. So the entire premise in the OP's story is based on a lack of understanding of a Real Man.

What an Alpha Man is not, though, is what we see in the OP. That is an example of a scared false Alpha, trying to control something that is outside of their sphere of control. They are also attempting to appear stronger than they are, which is an attempt to be externally validated.

There are a number of reasons for these false Men being prominent, including a lack of positive male role models in modern society, but the main thing to recognise is just that most guys around are simply not "real men", they are just playing at being one. It is a show of false bravado, but the danger is when they get put in a position where they feel they have to "back up" such thoughts and words. Then they can be dangerous.

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