Thanks for the replies everybody...I just got back from working jujutsu and my head is still spinning from some stuff I saw tonight, so we'll see how coherent I am...
Government, by it's very nature, tries to control some of the decisions we may make in our lives. Mostly, this comes in form, at least I believe it should, in dealing with our interaction with the rest of the society. For instance, we are not legally allowed to run around lying about other people(that doesn't always stop us), harrassment of any form(racial, sexual, physical, etc.) is not allowed. Even running around naked screaming jibberish at the top of your lungs isn't technically illegal, but that's where they have catch-all laws like disturbing the peace, when used with proper judgement, that serve a good purpose.
It seems to be the perrogative of this administration to push a moral agenda on the people of this country when they have no legal right in doing so. I know I said this was not a "Bash Republicans" thread. But they are the ones in charge now, they are the ones pushing this particular agenda and that means they are the ones I am worried about. Firstly, I am not a liberal or a democrat. I am a registered independent. But, as I have stated elsewhere that I hold a number conservative views, but the distinction is that those views are mine and mine alone. At the same time I hold a number of liberal views and on a lot of issues I honestly don't have an opinion. What gets my danders up is when the government begins imposing it's authority, not on our interactions with society, but on our private behaviors.
Now, obviously America is far from being a theocracy or ideological regime...but every day it seems we take a smaller step in that direction. There are a lot worst places to live in this world than the USA. I'd rather be sitting in cold Minnesota where the most extreme danger I'm going to face from day to day is frostbite or eyestrain from staring at my computer screen too long(MT does not help at all in this matter), than living somewhere in the Middle East right now or somewhere else where war and the tragedies that go along with it are a day to day occurence. Not only that, but the majority of people that voted, voted for this. There are the stats that a great number of the people that support Bush are greatly misinformed about his actual policies and stances on subjects. I'm familiar with those numbers, there posted on my dorm room door right now. They sit right next to my neighbor who has a big ole "BUSH/CHENEY '04" poster. But I cannot totally believe that that number of people can be that misinformed. Which leads me to believe that a good number of people voted, knowing exactly what they voted for.
Part of the new powers of intelligence gathering and law enforcement agencies is the ability to see what you've been checking out of the library. How big of a step is it, honestly between tracking people's reading, and preventing them from reading material you don't want them to. It's definitely not a small step, but not quite the giant leap I would like. Some people say they are willing to sacrifice some minor freedoms for safety. The moment you give up a freedom, for any reason, try getting it back. Not only that, but how much safer are you now, really? I have know doubt that if someone wanted to execute another major attack on American soil they could. I could think about 10 different ideas off the top of my head, and I'm not even a terrorist. So, you sacrificied freedom for apperance of safety. Fair enough, what freedom will you sacrifice next for something you really want? Will you trade free speech for job security. Freedom of religion, or absence thereof, so people don't look at you dirty. A popular phrase bandied about these days is that, "Freedom isn't Free". This is often pandered around by people justifying the current wars in Iraq and Afganhistan. Exactly, which of my freedoms are they fighting for? Religion? Speech? If we truly need to fight for freedom we need to get those soldiers home because I think they have plenty of fighting they could do here.
Hey, I study computers and martial arts and I'm OK at one and questionable about the other. I'll leave the guessing up to you. So I necessarily don't have the terminology or vocabulary that some people on here have for situations like this, sociocultural evolution, anyone. Obviously I can look at this word and know what it means, but it would never pop into my head when discussing a topic.
I don't know how anyone can reply to this post. It is basically just me ranting and raving my feelings on some subjects that I've been following lately. Pop in and say something if you want, I guess.
Maybe, considering the title of this thread, we should just turn it into a little cool oasis in the Study...step out of the fires for a bit and chill out...