History of Jeet Kune Do

(On Jeet Kune Do ) Anytime other writers write about Jeet Kune DO, they write according to their knowledge. One cannot see a fight "as is", say from the point of view of a boxer, a wrestler, or or anyone who is trained in a particular method, because he will see the fight according to the limits of his particular conditioning.

( Bruce LEE )
History of how Bruce came up with JKD as way of no way...followed J.Krisnamurti.
Having NO form and having no Form Is in my small opinion, not about kata. Being good at kata requires that you attempt to recreate another person's interpretation of reality...what that person, the originator of the kata, would do in combat. Following the Krisnamurti philosophy Bruce rejected authority. Who should tell him how to respond in combat?
Having No form means that my technique is not limited to one and only one way of delivery. I am not limited to the shaolin "way/form", nor the Tang soo do "way/form", not the boxer's "way/form" of delivering my jab. I am not even limited to the JKD "form" of delivering my jab. I am No (particular) way/form and therefore I can be and adapt to all ways/forms. Has nothing to do with kata. Has everything to do with the way you deliver or "form" your technique. To be JKD you must be free of the limitation imposed by "forming" the opinion that I can do it only this way. To be JKD you must free your mind of conforming to predetermined actions/responses.
Classical arts teach exactly the opposite. Classical forms of martial arts (not talking about kata), classical, arts/styles/ways teach one way...the best way... the master's way...conform to the master and his way or risk missing the promotion. Be like water....... is this not like water?
To arrive at these conclusions I had to reject what others had said. I started with no "formed" opinions. Absorbed what was useful to me and now I have contributed what is uniquely my own. Now it is yours.
Jerry Beasley
JKD Writer

I am trying to learn more about JKD. This was posted above by DeLamar J.
"Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do is not about setting up restrictions or "Ways" of doing things. It has no interest in trying to mold or shape you. It accepts you as you are. Much like when a bubbling spring flows out from the mountains, it is simply there for a thirsty traveler should he wish to partake of it."

If this is correct, I don't know, doesn't that mean that any JKD "Expert" who decides to add kata/forms to his/her teaching and style of the art is able to do so? This is an art put together and taught by a relatively short lived martial artist. Can we deduce that he would not have incorporated forms into his art?

Bruce thought that kata stifeled creativity. Between Krishnamurti philosophy and 1960's "hip" culture/anti culture Bruce was against the establishment, organization, sects. He felt that when you try to dictate what is JKD you loose JKD. Go to www.google.com and key in Jiddu Krishnamurti. This is the basis of JKD philosophy. When Bruce hurt his back, by trying to lift 125 lbs placed on his neck and then bending over...ouch..., he was forced to stay horizontal for long periods of time, he studied Krishnamurti and other notes. Bruce translated the Krishnamurti philosophy directly to his art he called JKD. In fact one wonders if J.K.D is not a subconscious recognition of the way (do) of Jiddu (J) Krishnamurti (K) hence JKD. Using no particular way as the only way is JKD.
BA Philosophy, VA Tech class of 1973
When Bruce hurt his back, by trying to lift 125 lbs placed on his neck and then bending over...ouch..., he was forced to stay horizontal for long periods of time, he studied Krishnamurti and other notes. Bruce translated the Krishnamurti philosophy directly to his art he called JKD. In fact one wonders if J.K.D is not a subconscious recognition of the way (do) of Jiddu (J) Krishnamurti (K) hence JKD. Using no particular way as the only way is JKD.
BA Philosophy, VA Tech class of 1973

Also what I have read 👍

Feel the main point echoed through Krishnamurti:

"You have now started by denying something absolutely false—the traditional approach—but if you deny it as a reaction, you will have created another pattern in which you will be trapped. If you tell yourself intellectually that this denial is a very good idea but do nothing about it, you cannot go any further.

If you deny it, however, because you understand the stupidity and immaturity of it—if you reject it with tremendous intelligence, because you are free and not frightened—you will create a great disturbance in yourself and around you, but you will step out of the trap of respectability. Then you will find that you are no longer seeking.

That is the first thing to learn—not to seek. When you seek, you are really only window shopping."

Bruce Lee was no longer "window shopping."

He knew through his own experience. In the process, he created a method of no-method, allowing others to find their own path and evolve—something not unique to JKD but echoed in many philosophies of being

For some, what Bruce achieved becomes yet another trap—one that he himself warned against. Without understanding the philosophical underpinnings and inner revelations, it is easy to misinterpret his true intent. JKD is not a system or a path to follow, but a means of freeing oneself from all limitations.
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