This is my thinking entirely. Most of my family are ardent Catholics. I love them, but I despise Catholicism. There is a difference between the faith and the faithful.
Then again, if my family began stoning other family members for adultery or encouraging the weaker members of the family to wear suicide vests to kill innocents as part of a holy war, I would probably call the cops after kicking the crap out of them.
I'm currently working for a number of very conservative muslims. They are good people, nice, friendly and generous. I, personally have only ever spoken out about muslim extremists. The people who want us dead, and I don't think that is unreasonable of me.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been a major scourge on society since their inception. They have caused suffering, death and chaos in their wake. i have no time for them in general. I have a very good friend in Dublin, who was also my landlady, who is Wiccan. she classifies herself as a witch. Both her and her friends are happy, friendly people, who would do anything to help you out. They're tolerant of other's belief and it is a pleasure to be in their company. I have nothing against their religion, because they don't try to push it on me, or anyone else for that matter.
So there you have it. I have nothing against belief systems that don't oppress others, but the mullahs, the radical imams, the pope, the Dave Koresh and Jim Jones style christians and the dear departed Jerry Falwell and his good friend Pat Robertson can kiss my pimply, hairy white bottom.