Seriously, were basicly all on the same page here. How far do we go with dealing with, as Bruce puts it, the posers. Well there's not a whole heck of a lot that can be done, except informing people and asking questions where everybody is privy to the answer. Other than that, it's "Caveat Emptor" - Buyer beware. We'll use the latest mini-series for example. Phoney certificates were awarded or brought, whatever the case may be. For those that sought the easy way and purchased a piece of paper, tough!, you got what you paid for. Now for those that have earnestly trained and put forth maximum effort. On behalf of all the people that are on the other side of that coin, I apologize for the way you have been treated and hope that you were able to find a new place to continue your journey in the arts. Now the really sad part to all this is that the party in question was/is supposed to be a "legit" MA. The only saving grace out of all of this is the training people received (for those that really trained), should be - I hope - valid. Again, this is based on the presumption that the party was in fact legit at one time.
Now this is a sore spot, from my point of view, in relationship to the KHF. In my opinion, the KHF should retest all those people that were awarded phoney KHF ranking, AT NO COST!.... It would go a long, long, loooooong way into showing people that they stand behind the tenents of Hapkido and that they are an organization worthy of respect. As it stands right now, it looks like money is all their really interested in. No disrespect intended to individuals, this is directed at the organization as a whole. A perfect example of what I mean is the cost of the up coming June seminar. $300+ is a big nut for a lot of people. Now the KHF states that it is a high point event, for they are/wish to be the premier Hapkido organization in the world. Well, saying and doing are two different things. Retest those people and you will have my respect, but telling me and charging me for it, gets you nowhere in my book.
The bottom line to all this ranting is that organizations and the certifications coming from same are a fixture now. We cannot remove their positioning in todays world. The only thing that can be accomplished, is oversite of how they run and treat people. Our job, is to voice opinion and point out flaws, that can/should be corrected. If they are non-responsive, then walk away. For they are not worthy of your trust and membership. Yes, self validation is really all we honestly need. Can I walk the walk? But having the validation of peers only reinforces and expands the scope of our education and acceptance. As humans, acceptance is the rule. We are after all social beings.
Chris, good luck on your exam.................. :asian: