another new hapkido member


White Belt

i am a 1st dan in soong moo kwon hapkido here in the burb`s of chicago
i have been at it for 5 yrs now and just passed my kumdo test
i am also a single dad of my yr old daughter of whom i have custody of
my job during the day is a body fender tech my 2nd passion in life i have built many of cars over the 15 yrs and still enjoy it
my g/f of 3 yrs is a amazing person to still be with have 2 doberman`s and together 3 kids all from previous ingaugements
so i hope to enjoy my stay and learn from all off you
c`amm sa hamni da
Welcome hapkidoisme! Happy holidays!

Kom so hap ni da
c`amm sa hamni da, hapkidoisme. From a kumdo practitioner also a native of the Chicago 'burbs! :)

Enjoy the forum. Good to have you with us!