Help on Squating Sacrifice.

What a sad day.

This sort of ballyhooing for a fight between senior instructors diminishes the art, and certain people greatly in my eyes.

How childish.

I posted early on this a.m. Coming back, I expected to see someone post a little bit of common sense. Shame of the bunch of you ... Have to say all this mob mentality crap is pretty scary, as well as just ever so slightly pathetic. You all have been watching far too many cheesy Kung-fu flicks.

On the other hand... Make it real... Use guns. Then there's no doubt about who's right. Whoever's left makes right... Ain't that right?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm not even quite sure how to respond to this subject. Well here goes. If these two men have issues it should be dealt with by themselves as men and away from a forum board. I don't think anyone here should be antagonizing any fight between these two. You could probably get your own individual opinion from Mr. Trejo's post. His post did not include Dr. Chapel's name in it. People are just assuming this. If they do have problems between them it doesn't involve any of us as far as I'm concerned. I have much respect for both men. I personally have never met either but I've enjoyed reading Dr. Chapel's postings on this forum. I would hate to see Dr.Chapel leave this forum as well. I'm not taking any side in this debate but only giving an opinion.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Rainman

How does stomping accentuate a strike? That is what the wwf does to fake a strike. Basically what that does is send energy in two different directions and split power.


That is a good question (you always seem to have a bunch of good ones). Dropping the foot at the moment of impact does many things. Some subtle some not so subtle. The most obvious one is the reference most would make to "Gravitational Marriage." Ed Parker was very obvious in his execution as they are in "Hung Gar" and "Splashing Hands." All the Chinese Arts use this but many are more subtle in the action.

Although not really true "Gravitatonal Marriage" in the sense most think of with regards to AK, it is an enhancement to the "focus" of a strike and ensures your body weight is "capable" of being used in the strike. In actuality it is not so much a merging of the ever present gravity but more of a most efficient use of what's available.

In addition to that, there are subtle alignment factors of the hip/leg joint that assists in that "Positive Body Posture" we spoke of earlier, and much much more. Recognize it doesn't have to be a "stomping" action, but it must be a significant shifting and planting of the body weight generally in the direction of the strike.

The "pull" of gravity is significant in efficient anatomical movement and structural integrity. In fact they are dependent on this "resistance" to be effective.
Doc wrote:

But to deny the existence of other knowledge and methods in the 35 year old Motion-Kenpo compared to other older methodologies and applications (that Parker studied), is like Pop Warner players denying the exsitence of the NFL.

Doc, correct me if I'm wrong, but this statement makes it sound like you're comparing mainstream kenpo to pee-wee football, and the SL-4 stuff you teach to pro ball.
He is. Unfortunately he has chosen such statements to support his "Motion Kenpo" and "Parker taught SL4 principles" story. It's all really sad and really takes away from our honor and the positive aspects of Chapel's Kenpo.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

With all due respect... :mad:

I think it is important to understand that Trejo is addressing an issue which involves the life time work of many in Kenpo. Call it cheesy if you want, I personally dont think it's funny. It's about time that someone in the ranks addressed this issue in the open.

And if "IT" does get filmed I think it would be more appropriate to have it in LONG BEACH! :cool:

Ah calm down Billy, I'm only joking! The day the kenpo crowd loses it's sense of humour is the day I leave the art!

Originally posted by satans.barber

Ah calm down Billy, I'm only joking! The day the kenpo crowd loses it's sense of humour is the day I leave the art!


and so was Trejo.


Originally posted by Doc

That is a good question (you always seem to have a bunch of good ones). Dropping the foot at the moment of impact does many things. Some subtle some not so subtle. The most obvious one is the reference most would make to "Gravitational Marriage." Ed Parker was very obvious in his execution as they are in "Hung Gar" and "Splashing Hands." All the Chinese Arts use this but many are more subtle in the action.

Although not really true "Gravitatonal Marriage" in the sense most think of with regards to AK, it is an enhancement to the "focus" of a strike and ensures your body weight is "capable" of being used in the strike. In actuality it is not so much a merging of the ever present gravity but more of a most efficient use of what's available.

In addition to that, there are subtle alignment factors of the hip/leg joint that assists in that "Positive Body Posture" we spoke of earlier, and much much more. Recognize it doesn't have to be a "stomping" action, but it must be a significant shifting and planting of the body weight generally in the direction of the strike.

The "pull" of gravity is significant in efficient anatomical movement and structural integrity. In fact they are dependent on this "resistance" to be effective.


He said stomping. I know a thing or 2 about positioning and what happens when a person steps... eh- depending how they step. I will argue stomping the floor creates a NBP. Stomping is good when energy goes through the other person. Bad if you try to return power to a source or something that wont absorb the power.

I agree with the subtle drop and light or springy type of stepping. I don't know of any other way where you can get weight off your feet and thigh muscles. If the weight is put on the feet and such it takes a lot of "effert" to move. Not that I don't appreciate that fact that there is a time to let energy go to the ground but it could cause damage if someone impacted a hard surface with all that force or potential force from a stomp.


With all do respect, I've been sitting back reading this thread for the last couple of days and I've just been so disappointed and disgusted with how it has turned out. I first came to Martialtalk because I found that it was very helpful in answering questions that I had regarding techniques, history, and numerious other things. This thread was started by Chronuss because this technique did feel highly ackward to him and me both. But there is something that I have learned so far from this thread and it's how to bash on other people. Not everyone is going to agree on all the techniques. There are always going to be those who want to change them or say that they don't work for some sort of reason. Hey, that's part of the learning process. What works for one person may not work for another. I've learned that there are some techniques that are not made for people my height (5 ft. 1 in) against people who are 6 ft. plus, so I modify it to work for me, but that's not saying that it will work for someone else.

I'm sure there is bad blood between some of you here, I don't know, but I think that the sarcastic remarks and ruid comments are going a bit far. If you feel the need to bash the person than send them a private message or something, don't turn the threads into your battle grounds. As for whose Kenpo is better than whose, if a person believes in their martial arts so much, there is going to be very little that can change their mind on their perspective. It is great to know that some of you feel so strongly about your martial arts. But martial arts is also suppose to teach self-disipline and respect to others. You may not like what they have to say but you shouldn't go about it so nastily.

As for whose is better. I can't say for sure. Compared to most of you I'm just a beginner at this and know very little compared to most, but something my dad has always told me is that no matter how big or bad and good you think you are there is always somebody out there who is better than you! :asian:

You made some good points. Yes, your size in regards to others would be an excellent arguement for the principle of "tailoring." Parker knew this and made this a part of our/his system.....if you are unable to reach the throat, go for the an example of thought using "tailoring."

Regarding the bashing, it's tough. I'm going to assume that no one starts out with the intent to disrespect, but then passion gets the better of them. Very unfortunately, anyone can come onto these forums, throw on a mail order title and begin twisting history for their own arguement. In it's begining, it's bad enough, but when the lies speak badly about the very art which many have lived for............true students passionately come to stand for what is the truth.

Personally, I'm sorry if you have felt grazed by the bullets.


Wes Idol, HI
United Kenpo Systems
Originally posted by FUZZYJ692000

With all do respect, I've been sitting back reading this thread for the last couple of days and I've just been so disappointed and disgusted with how it has turned out. I first came to Martialtalk because I found that it was very helpful in answering questions that I had regarding techniques, history, and numerious other things. This thread was started by Chronuss because this technique did feel highly ackward to him and me both. But there is something that I have learned so far from this thread and it's how to bash on other people. Not everyone is going to agree on all the techniques. There are always going to be those who want to change them or say that they don't work for some sort of reason. Hey, that's part of the learning process. What works for one person may not work for another. I've learned that there are some techniques that are not made for people my height (5 ft. 1 in) against people who are 6 ft. plus, so I modify it to work for me, but that's not saying that it will work for someone else.

I'm sure there is bad blood between some of you here, I don't know, but I think that the sarcastic remarks and ruid comments are going a bit far. If you feel the need to bash the person than send them a private message or something, don't turn the threads into your battle grounds. As for whose Kenpo is better than whose, if a person believes in their martial arts so much, there is going to be very little that can change their mind on their perspective. It is great to know that some of you feel so strongly about your martial arts. But martial arts is also suppose to teach self-disipline and respect to others. You may not like what they have to say but you shouldn't go about it so nastily.

As for whose is better. I can't say for sure. Compared to most of you I'm just a beginner at this and know very little compared to most, but something my dad has always told me is that no matter how big or bad and good you think you are there is always somebody out there who is better than you! :asian:
You and I shall speak......