Help on Squating Sacrifice.

Look at the action. The right leg is pinned against your right hip. The right leg has no way to be on the outside.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Chronuss

how's the right foot to end up between their legs when you're sopposed to rake the heel across the back of the head and plant towards 7?

I would suggest you view some technique tapes to see the action. If you know of anyone that have them, it would certainly be an asset to your training.

Have a great Kenpo day

I have done this and also have a book on Small Circle Jujutsu where Wally Jay has done this also. The opening movement is similar to what you have described. He shows this from a bear hug with the arms pinned and I have done it with the arms pin and free. But I would step back and hook the ankle with your right foot. instead of try to reach down to grab the foot. Sit down on top of his thigh as you try to pull your foot that is hooked forward. Follow ups could be stomp to the groin, knee bar. On a side note you might mention or show what a grappler would do if you try to defending against a grappler.
Before you have grab his leg but are bent over. Grappler might drive you forward with his body or grab one or both of the legs and do a tackle.
You have grab his leg but as he falls back he grabs you to pull you down with him or what we call Ushiro otoshi. Which is a rear body throw.
Without hooking you leg around their ankle attacker could throw a knee strike to tailbone. If the foot is hooked you are checking his leg to prevent this.
Bob :asian:
Mr. Conatser is teantatively scheduled to be here at the end of the month. I think I will let him resolve Chronuss' issue.....come to think of it, I will let him use Chronuss as the Uki.:EG:
Originally posted by Seig

That's fine. And on that occassion, I believe I gave you a couple of options as you ar 6 foot plus and Janie is 5 foot minus. I was not and am not cornfused. Asking for other opinions is ok, but you will get a different answer from every person that does it.;)
Are you not supposed to be in school doing school work? :rofl:

HEY NOW, I do reach 5 ft...barely but I do!!!! Boy am I glad that Chad started this thread, I don't want to be uki when Mr. Conaster comes. :eek: . Good luck to Chad

Jani (look no "e")
Standing by to "roll" that beautiful UKI footage................

I HAVE to be there for this one..................

Flying Sasquatches - What Next?
not good. but hopefully Master Conatser will shed some light on the issue as to where I need to place my darn foot...maybe I should take out an issurance policy in case I no longer have my foot...
Originally posted by Chronuss

not good. but hopefully Master Conatser will shed some light on the issue as to where I need to place my darn foot...maybe I should take out an issurance policy in case I no longer have my foot...

You seriously think he's going to stop at just your foot? Ha~! *scoffing chortle* I think you need a whole life insurance policy and make me the beneficiary.. not that you'll need it of course..

Michael just got news he doesn't have to go to Fla next week.. woohoo.. :)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

I wish that I could be there!!!:mad:
Jason Farnsworth
Well, I am near Harper's Ferry, WV. You are welcome to come. If you want any info on the area, contact me off list.
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

Your right foot should end up between their legs in their groin when you put it down. The left foot will step to 6 oclock and under their left arm pit as you drop into the left close kneel stance pinning their body to the floor as you make the grab to the left wrist. Your right hand should still have hold of the right ankle with the opponents toes pointing down. At least that's how I do it.

Have a great Kenpo day


Also, when you step the left to 6 o'clock, kick them in the ribs. There's no guarantee here that the left arm will be in a position for you to grab. you might get a reaction from the kick to ribs. Also, as you move your right foot to position for the spinal stomp, scoop kick the groin. Hey, it's free, take two! :D

I'm afraid I disagree with the "kick them in the ribs," and "scoop the groin as you step," approach. First, the point of stepping forward with the left foot is to ensure that they don't get up; to take out and then to kneel on their left arm/shoulder as they attempt to rise. If you go for the ribs, this may get lost. Second, there's already a scoop to the groin built into the technique; as you move your right foot to stomp the spine (if necessary), you scoop with your right as you pull it through (like the "bicycle" scoop in Squeezing the Peach), then nail the lower spine.

Originally posted by Chronuss

Here is Squating Sacrifice from the IKKO belt curriculum:

SQUATTING SACRIFICE (read bear hug - arms free)

1. With opponent applying rear bear hug (arms free) and with feet together, step to your right (to 3 o'clock) with your right foot into a horse, as both of your elbows strike down to opponent's forearm, squat on opponent's right knee as both of your hands then grab and pull on opponent's right ankle; the pulling and squatting could cause the knee to break of the counter force.

2. Immediately twist opponent's right ankle counter clockwise as your right leg circles clockwise (preferably raking across opponent's face in the process) and plants to 7 o'clock into a left close kneel stance while still facing 12 o'clock.

3. Pivot (in place) into a right forward bow as you now face 6 o'clock.

4. While still maintaining grab with your right hand, step forward with your left foot to 6 o'clock into a left close kneel stance (paralleling opponent's body) and have your left hand grab opponent's left wrist.

5. Support your weight onto your left leg as you cock your right leg high to your waist.

6. Pull and jerk up with both of your arms as your right foot stomps to lower spine of opponent.

7. Right front crossover, sweeping in opponent's arm down and cover out twice toward 4 o'clock.

okay, my question is when the left foot steps the 6. while still mainting the right ankle with the right hand, where exactly is the left foot to step? does it step over the oppenent or does it step in between their legs? also, if you step over the oppenent, wouldn't your body be at a ninety degree angle to their body? and if you do step over their body, how do you maintain the ankle without running into or straddling their leg? I'm so cornfused...

Won't work. Why are you being bear hugged? What do you think he's doing? Certainly not just holding on.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson

I'm afraid I disagree with the "kick them in the ribs," and "scoop the groin as you step," approach. First, the point of stepping forward with the left foot is to ensure that they don't get up; to take out and then to kneel on their left arm/shoulder as they attempt to rise. If you go for the ribs, this may get lost. Second, there's already a scoop to the groin built into the technique; as you move your right foot to stomp the spine (if necessary), you scoop with your right as you pull it through (like the "bicycle" scoop in Squeezing the Peach), then nail the lower spine.


That's what I meant on the scoop. The kick to the ribs in no way obstructs your ability to prevent them getting up. At least it doesn't for me.

your referring to the scoop kick to the groin comment that I made look at where your at. A left close kneel position where the right knee is at the small of the back. The right foot is only mere inches away from the groin. If you have to raise your foot up to get any travel you might as hit the groin on your way up when raising the leg. The attacker is pinned down with their right leg in the air and their left arm is in your left hand. They ain't rolling or going anywhere. If you weren't referring to my comment then disregard the post.
Jason Farnsworth
So you're doing a modified c-step forward to include the ribs?

And is the leg merely raised, catching the groin, or is there what I'd called a "bicycle scoop," much like the one in Squeezing the peach?

I also stand by my original point. In the rush to include strikes, we may miss out on the real point of the maneuver.

Originally posted by Chronuss

Here is Squating Sacrifice from the IKKO belt curriculum:

SQUATTING SACRIFICE (read bear hug - arms free)

1. With opponent applying rear bear hug (arms free) and with feet together, step to your right (to 3 o'clock) with your right foot into a horse, as both of your elbows strike down to opponent's forearm, squat on opponent's right knee as both of your hands then grab and pull on opponent's right ankle; the pulling and squatting could cause the knee to break of the counter force.

2. Immediately twist opponent's right ankle counter clockwise as your right leg circles clockwise (preferably raking across opponent's face in the process) and plants to 7 o'clock into a left close kneel stance while still facing 12 o'clock.

3. Pivot (in place) into a right forward bow as you now face 6 o'clock.

4. While still maintaining grab with your right hand, step forward with your left foot to 6 o'clock into a left close kneel stance (paralleling opponent's body) and have your left hand grab opponent's left wrist.

5. Support your weight onto your left leg as you cock your right leg high to your waist.

6. Pull and jerk up with both of your arms as your right foot stomps to lower spine of opponent.

7. Right front crossover, sweeping in opponent's arm down and cover out twice toward 4 o'clock.

okay, my question is when the left foot steps the 6. while still mainting the right ankle with the right hand, where exactly is the left foot to step? does it step over the oppenent or does it step in between their legs? also, if you step over the oppenent, wouldn't your body be at a ninety degree angle to their body? and if you do step over their body, how do you maintain the ankle without running into or straddling their leg? I'm so cornfused...

I recognize the "Idea" for this attack defense comes from the Technique Manual portion of the Lesson Plan. Unfortunately, this idea is not a workable one for various reasons. First this response comes from the old wrestling days. Translation: it only works when your opponent cooperates. If your opponent is holding on he is probably attempting to move you unless there is a second opponent. If he is lifting, than you can't bend down. If you sit on his leg, you pin it to the ground so you can't lift it. This is just a "bad idea" and is a good example of why instructors must create "ideal" techniques and never take some ideas literally. Attempting to do this technique this way is asking for a supplex response.

First chance you get, ask the grapplers if they can pull off just the takedown this way when attacked with serious intent. If you can't do the takedown, no use arguing about the rest. BYA, No, we don't do this technique this way. The concept of the rear bear hug, arms free is covered in other one and two man techniques so this one is unneccessary.
Originally posted by meni
2. Puling to the side of your left thigh and not between you legs youÂ’re a (remember future kids are involved)

Sorry to rake up an old thread...been away!

In our school we're taught to put the knees together and pull against them, not against the groin.

Also, from the stated IKKO method of doing this, you guys don't seem to kick the groin after you've flipped the person over, that's something we do as well.


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