Hello from Lima Ohio


White Belt
Hello to all from lima, Ohio my name is Sensei Young I teach at two locations here in lima, ohio. I am a 5th Degree Black Belt in Karate (Godon). If your ever going to be in Lima come train with us.
Which style of karate? I know we have folks here who train in Shotokan, Goju, Kyukushkin, and a few others.
Vary funny Touch of Death I like that one. No I started in American Freestyle, But later took up more traditional side of things. I have my 3rd don in Goju Ryu, 3rd in Ryukyu, 5th in Shotokan. I then put some other things into it as I felt fit. 5th degree is the highest in our system and that is the rank I am staying at. We have a 9 kyu, 5 Don system. Our system is Young's Sogo Budo Ryu.
Vary funny Touch of Death I like that one. No I started in American Freestyle, But later took up more traditional side of things. I have my 3rd don in Goju Ryu, 3rd in Ryukyu, 5th in Shotokan. I then put some other things into it as I felt fit. 5th degree is the highest in our system and that is the rank I am staying at. We have a 9 kyu, 5 Don system. Our system is Young's Sogo Budo Ryu.

Hmm…. really?
I havnt said hello yet! Hello... (its the thought that counts :D)


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