FMAT: GM Rodel Dagooc seminar with the DAV in Germany

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GM Rodel Dagooc seminar with the DAV in Germany
By Datu Dieter - 04-27-2010 11:46 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hi to all,

just to let you know, that we, the DAV, had a very successful seminar with GM Rodel Dagooc in Dortmund/Germany.
See the attached picture.


We were about 110 participants from all over Germany, France and Czech republic.

We also had a black belt examination together with GM Dagooc and all examinees passed:

6 x Lakan Isa, 1st Dan,
3 x Lakan Tatlo, 3rd Dan
2 x Lakan Apat, 4th Dan
1x Lakan Lima , 5th Dan
1x Dayang Lima,5th Dan

We had a lot of fun.

I also filmed an instructional DVD with GM Rodel, which I hope will be published this summer still.


Datu Dieter Knüttel


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