Heavy Bag

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hey, I know how hard weight loss can be. I've lost 30 pounds in the last year. Its been slow going, but I haven't had any problems keeping it off. My weight issues were mostly caused by the fact that I was eating stuff I thought was good for me, and it really wasn't, like having crackers for a snack instead of cookies. My doctor showed me how to read labels, and what it all meant, so I could figure out that the crackers actually had more calories than the cookies! I also had virtually no fruits and veggies in my diet. My excuse for this was "I don't like fruits and vegetables!" Turns out that I do. I may not like apples and oranges, but I've discovered stuff like blackberries, cherries, strawberries (with non fat whipped cream, or rolled in brown sugar) bananas, starfruit, kiwi, mango and guava. I may not like green beans or broccoli, but I love campbell's vegetable soup. My doc taught me how to replace stuff that I shouldn't be eating with stuff that I should be eating that still tasted good, and I never feel hungry.

I eat about 1900 calories a day, don't eat red meat (unless a prime rib happens to materialize in front of me, in that case, exceptions must be made), eat more fish than any other kind of meat, and snack on veggies instead of potato chips. I don't eat ice cream, but I eat sorbet and homemade popsicles (with real fruit juice, like OJ or some of the Diet V8 splash juices). I also give myself one day a week (sunday for me) where I can eat anything I want and calories be damned. That way, if I see something sweet during the week, its much easier to pass on it, because I tell myself "I can eat it on sunday." and then sunday comes, and one can only eat so many sweet things in one day, so I end up eating fewer sweet things overall, and don't feel deprived, or guilty, because I ate it on my "free day."

I also exercise daily (except sunday). I go to karate or I go to the gym. one or the other. every day. I figured out pretty quick that I can't go home before I go to the gym, because I have so much home stuff to do that I never get there. I throw my gym clothes in the car in the morning, and change when I get there. It takes away my excuses, and once you get in the routine, its easy.
The biggest problem I have is lack of consistancy among the
"experts" as to what's good and what's not. All have M.D.
credentials, or something similar, yet there's no agreement
among them! Low fat, low carbs, low this, low that. And all of
them have people who will testify that it worked for them. It
can get a bit aggravating. But the less calories than you burn
makes logical sense, and is a bit of the underlying message in
most diets .. just in a fancy package.

I also had to be honest with myself. If I can't enjoy it at some
level, then I won't do it, period. Which is why I love m.a. ... I will
work until I'm to the point of passing out (cardio :( ) and won't
realize until that point. Which is why I'm interested in the
heavy bag workout. It's fun! I got to kenpo 4 days a week. I
could throw in an extra 30 minutes or so in the mornings on a
heavy bag, and actually get up to do it! Not like walking in the
hot Texas sun (yes, it's hot at 6 am here) or other ideas. Another
2 days of yard work (not fun, but a must) and that's all I'm going
to commit to it. Tons of people have lost weight with a LOT less
activity! They get their stupid cardio glider and do 20 minutes a
day, 4 days a week on it without changing their diet and lose
plenty of weight. If I can't lose it with what I'm trying to do
(although I'm taking your advice on the diet) then screw it,
I'll stay fat! But at that time, I'll be able to run circles around
"healthy" slim people! Kenpo has already done that, as far as
my blood work goes .. all in "fit" levels, with the exception of my
triglycerides, which is on the "high end" of average.

If I can't
There are a lot of theories out there, and most of them are in some form correct. However, most of those "diets" out there are geared for people with specific goals, such as "fat loss" or "overall health" or "feeling better", or to deal with a specific condition, such as diabetes or thyroid disease or hyperactivity. a lot of the times, an md or a nutritionist will put you on a specific "program" to help you reach your goals. different programs for different goals. for example, if you want to lose weight and not add exercise, the "high protein" thing may be a good way to go. However, its not good for people who are athletes (ie: martial artists) because you usually don't get enough vitamins and other things you need on a high protein plan. High protein plans also tend to be not very heart healthy, since they have a lot of animal products. FOLKS, PLEASE NOTE: DR. ROBERT ATKINS, DESIGNER OF THE "ATKINS" HIGH PROTEIN DIET, SUFFERED A HEART ATTACK SEVERAL MONTHS AGO. Traditional "carb" diets are more suited to the athlete, generally speaking. I don't know about you all, but the atkins diet made me sick and lethargic. I had no energy. Carbs convert to energy more easily than fat does, so they're typically better fuel for the athlete than protein (although you need plenty of that too)

There's a million different weight loss "plans" out there, but they all focus on getting you to eat fewer calories. They just go about it different ways. Like you, Kirk, I found myself eating more calories than I thought I was because I didn't know that the stuff I was eating wasn't as healthy as I'd been led to believe. As long as whatever diet your doctor prescribes has you eating fewer calories, is something you can follow, and leaves you feeling better than you started, its a good plan. Working with a doc or a nutritionist helps, because when they give you a plan, it takes the big question mark out of eating. They tell you when to eat and what to eat, so you can learn how yourself.

Eating fewer calories than you burn will cause you to lose weight. However, you need to have a much more varied diet than you've been eating to be healthy and feel your best. You could eat cake and pie only, and still eat fewer calories, but you'd feel pretty crummy because, although your caloric intake is good, your nutrition sucks. Read labels. Know what your minimum daily requirements (FDA recommendations) are, and make sure you get them, either in your diet or through supplements. Vitamins are a good thing. I like the GNC ultra mega vitamins, but as long as a vitamin has enough of each required component, its probably okay.
Originally posted by nightingale8472


Yeah, but he looked good! :rofl:

Originally posted by nightingale8472

I don't know about you all, but the atkins diet made me sick and lethargic. I had no energy.

I lost a ton of weight, but yep! NO ENERGY WHATSOEVER, and
my cholesterol shot through the roof. I had to get on medication
for 3 months (plus exercise) to bring it back down. What good
is being thin if you're dead?
With no dis-respect whatsoever to any posters, remember, prevention is better than a cure...

People reading and thinking 'I'm glad I don't have to do that' try and make sure you don't slip into bad eating habits and have to in the future!


Originally posted by Kirk

I also had to be honest with myself. If I can't enjoy it at some
level, then I won't do it, period. Which is why I love m.a. ... I will
work until I'm to the point of passing out (cardio :( ) and won't
realize until that point. Which is why I'm interested in the
heavy bag workout. It's fun!

That's the kicker (no pun intended;) ). The best exercise is the one you'll do regularly. There's an absolutely brutal workout called guerilla cardio. It's a 4 minute run at 50% then 4 minutes of 20 second all out, puking sprints, followed by a 10 second rest, then sprint, rest, etc. then a 4 minute run at 50%. That hurts like %&##. I would think you could adapt that to a bag workout. Continuous for 5 minutes, then all out, form be damned beating on the bag for 30 seconds, rest 10, repeat, then finish with 5 minutes continuous focusing on form. Should probably help with speed too. Hey, I might have to try that myself. I hate running.

Originally posted by Kirk

Yes, I definitely can't run, but walking is a good idea. I get to
go to class 4 days per week (mon - thurs) so I was looking for
something to do about 30 minutes long in the mornings. It just
requires that I get up 30 minutes earlier. I did a treadmill plus
weight lifting for 6 months straight, practically everyday .. I didn't
lose squat. :( Heavy bag workouts are FUN, so it kicks my butt,
and I don't even realize how much it's kickin' my butt. That's why
when my instructor mentioned it, I got PSYCHED! Plus, I figured
it'd help my kenpo. Walking doesn't have that added advantage.
Nor is it as fun as hitting a bag. I'm open to other ideas, though.

Not just walking, but SPEED WALKING, is even better! Especially if you can't run!:asian:
I have stuff several bags, using rags. But I don't have access to rags. Had this thought since I live here in the midwest, using straw or hay to stuff a bag. Can get a 75lb bail for $2.50. I have tried oil dry, that wasn't good it's like concret. Any ideas on straw or hay bails.
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

I have stuff several bags, using rags. But I don't have access to rags. Had this thought since I live here in the midwest, using straw or hay to stuff a bag. Can get a 75lb bail for $2.50. I have tried oil dry, that wasn't good it's like concret. Any ideas on straw or hay bails.

If your married, your wife probably has a ton of clothes she's been meaning to get rid of. Or if your like me you probably have a drawer of clothing that you could use to stuff some of it. If you have any friends with infants or toddlers they will have plenty of clothes that have been out grown. My current bag is filled with my son's clothes from 1 & 2 yrs old. I lined the bag with the padding that normally goes under carpet. That cost about $2 to buy since I really didn't need that much. As long as you put a small 10 or 15 lb of sand at the bottom and something to hold its shape inside it doesn't matter too much what you use as long as it's not too heavy. If so you either won't get it up on the supports or you'll put too much strain on them.

Originally posted by jbkenpo

If your married, your wife probably has a ton of clothes she's been meaning to get rid of. Or if your like me you probably have a drawer of clothing that you could use to stuff some of it. If you have any friends with infants or toddlers they will have plenty of clothes that have been out grown. My current bag is filled with my son's clothes from 1 & 2 yrs old. I lined the bag with the padding that normally goes under carpet. That cost about $2 to buy since I really didn't need that much. As long as you put a small 10 or 15 lb of sand at the bottom and something to hold its shape inside it doesn't matter too much what you use as long as it's not too heavy. If so you either won't get it up on the supports or you'll put too much strain on them.

Around in this part of the woods, you would have a gold mine, stuffed in your heavy bags. Using your kids clothes to stuff with. People with do some serious garage/rummage sale buying for kids clothes around here. :rofl:
Originally posted by Michael Billings

then Short #1, Long#1, Kicking Set, fast (aerobically), then finish on the bag.

I do Kenpo dance every morning with The Gipsy Kings'. This morning I followed the rhythm of "Hotel California", I did punches, kicks, blocks, finger techniques, parries, and strikes -- You name it. oh of course, with lots of foot maneuvers. I was sweat a big time and fell so good, so energetic.
I don't really watch my diet much, well, recently I did try to cut off some drinking problems (Dr. Peppers) though.:) I enjoy to eat real food, use real sugar with my tea and real butter with my snakes and desserts. Hee hee, I got my Cream Brulee done while I was dancing this morning. :D
Really, if you don't like whatever you had done before, you should try this -- Kenpo dance with the music whatever that turns you on.

Min :asian:
Originally posted by MinnieMin

I do Kenpo dance every morning with The Gipsy Kings'. This morning I followed the rhythm of "Hotel California", I did punches, kicks, blocks, finger techniques, parries, and strikes -- You name it. oh of course, with lots of foot maneuvers. I was sweat a big time and fell so good, so energetic.
I don't really watch my diet much, well, recently I did try to cut off some drinking problems (Dr. Peppers) though.:) I enjoy to eat real food, use real sugar with my tea and real butter with my snakes and desserts. Hee hee, I got my Cream Brulee done while I was dancing this morning. :D
Really, if you don't like whatever you had done before, you should try this -- Kenpo dance with the music whatever that turns you on.

Min :asian:

that sounds real good, and I appreciate the info!!!:asian:

Did you say snakes?????
Originally posted by Kirk

that sounds real good, and I appreciate the info!!!:asian:

Did you say snakes?????

LOL!!! You got me. Of course it's SNACKS.

Oh, my English.
Here is a Min-glish, it goes:
I can't find my Colorado in my Chicken.
Colorado = Avocado; and Chicken = Kitchen.

As I read the replies to your posting, sounds like thoughtful advice.

My advice - talk to your instructor about specific training techniques so that he/she can watch you and make sure you are doing them correctly.

My other advice - make a tape with some good music (songs the length you desire) with a good beat and use that for your timing. You can even use the same song over and ove if that is what you prefer. We use a lot of music while training. And, as always, ask your instructor's advice.

What's worked for me? I've taken my focus off of losing weight and put it on becoming stronger and more fit. This feels more positive and helpful to me.

Good luck in your endeavors.
Judy aka warrior.mama