Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

Women’s soccer is much more interesting than men’s soccer…’interesting’ being a relative term 🥱
Or maybe you're just a pervert who sees women's soccer as this beauty contest. In Europe, people watch men play soccer. Not women. In the USA, no one cares about soccer.

please bear with me and I’ll try to explain. I’ll use an old west metaphor for
your first post. You pushed open the saloon doors of the saloon yelling cowboys are pussies. That’s quite an entrance. What kind of reaction/welcome were you expecting?

“They’re even more badass than pure martial artists, pure combat sport athletes and pure military soldiers.”

Did you ever stop to think that some people on this forum perhaps also served in the military, went through high school and maybe played those sports you repeated over and over again?

You started with “athletes from gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, baseball and basketball, especially from high school are LITERALLY the toughest and most badass people in the whole world.”

Were you actually serious with that statement?

Then you went on, seemingly going out of your way, to state “Athletes of blah blah tend to be bullies in high school are more prone to conflict and are far more experienced in conflict than anyone else in the whole universe.”

You must have had a buzz going and if so I’ll give you a pass. If not, what makes you insult them so? And here’s a suggestion, it’s best not to use the universe reference. It kills any likelihood for you to be taken seriously.

Mike Tyson is not history’s best boxer. Don’t get me wrong, Tyson was scary good. But how much boxing have you ever done? How much actual experience do you have? How much ring time?

Then you went and said “thuggish homophobes (like the Gracie family), and high school bullies.”

I trained with the Gracies. At Rickson’s school on Maui. Rickson was even nice enough to come down my dojo and teach a few seminars. He might be the most humble martial artist I’ve ever met. I’ve been to Relson’s house and watched fighting films with him. He’s a gracious host, makes you you feel comfortable. I trained many times in his garage.

Then you just shove those saloon doors open and blatantly insult my teachers and friends. You got a set balls on you, I’ll tell you that.
How long you keep them remains to be seen.

I have a couple of questions…
As I already alluded to, how much boxing experience do you have?

Do you train in Martial Arts? I don’t care what style, but do you actually train?

Last question, if you do train, how would you feel if I came on a public forum you were part of and insulted your instructor and your friends?
I didn't say that you alpha males as pussy weaklings. I said that you're predatory and evil.
Who told you that I believe in his ideologies and philosophies? I mere listed him as one of the PIMP alpha males in my post because he is indeed an alpha male who is a kickboxer.
He's not an 'alpha male', even if such a thing actually exists. Look at that man. Listen to the way he talks. He's quite clearly an emotional and social inadequate who can only relate to women by abusing and trafficking them.
I didn't say that you alpha males as pussy weaklings. I said that you're predatory and evil.
Dude, a lot of us were bullied ourselves. People who come to martial arts classes with an attitude tend to leave with bruises, and they don't last long in our world. There are exceptions, of course.
Stop making fun of beta males or people who can't get laid.
I merely said that I think you're a black piller. That term is not an insult (to my knowledge), and I have no idea if you're a "beta male" or whether or not you can get laid.
Everytime you guys criticize me here, you all point me as some bullied resentful highschool nerd who can't get laid. Where are the assumptions that I am probably just some athletic ******* who glorifies toxic masculinity? Where?
They tend not to have the conscious awareness of things that you seem to have. They're just living their lives.

Why hate on weak men and nerds?

You're just being bullies to guys who can't stand up for themselves and are virgins.

You're just proving my point that nerds and beta males are not respected by people such as YOU! You only respect muscular tall attractive thugs.
So I don't know what your bottom line is, and I've asked you.

But it does appear to be in line with the black pill message, albeit when it comes to "toughness" rather than "getting the girl." I.e., your message appears to be that the men with the naturally higher testosterone are always going to be the toughest, and that martial arts training cannot overcome that. And that "nerds" who train in martial arts will have to accept that as their lot in life.

Is this correct?
GSP started doing Kyokushin karate at 7 years old, and was a 2nd dan by the age of 12, but yes, it was definitely his time as a hockey player that made him into the combat athlete he was.
If I understand your word salad, you're basically saying athletes in contact sports make better fighters. As a shower thought that brilliant, I mean who could figure out people who participate in organized violence ( if you've ever been tackled in football or checked into the boards in hockey you know what I mean)are capable of aggressive behavior?
The love is wrong with her? Why does she do that? Did you just marry your highschool's cheerleader bully? How does she bully you about it? What will she say to you? You married a woman like that? Are you a masochist?
This is so much fun! Lol all martial artists have a little touch of masochism. Pain is just weakness leaving the body!
We're not technically married but yeah, I did get with a bit of a mean girl. She's not a fan of weakness in her man. Keeps me on my toes. Ever heard the phrase "iron sharpens iron"?
Let's see, how does she bully me....
She'll call me a whiny little b$tch if I try to complain about something.
The worst is when she sneaks up behind me and tries to poke me with her finger between my buttocks. I've developed the self defense reflex of clenching the cheeks together anytime my Spidey senses tingle that she's lurking around back there.
She's like a walking beta male suppressor.
The trick is to not show weakness so she won't be provoked into attacking.
You see, a good woman will bring out the best in you. It's just that sometimes she has to crush the parts that aren't so good to accomplish that. At least that's what she keeps telling me........
He's not an 'alpha male', even if such a thing actually exists. Look at that man. Listen to the way he talks. He's quite clearly an emotional and social inadequate who can only relate to women by abusing and trafficking them.
What?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The obvious fact is that Andrew Tate got laid multiple times without using force. He is also an alpha male highschool jock tough guy because he is a kickboxer. Those are all facts you can't deny.

But you're biggest mistake here is automatically assuming that Andrew Tate is a socially-awkward loser beta male just because he said some misogynistic stuff. Why do you people always blame weak ugly short beta males? Why are alpha males to you always perfect people who never do any mistake?

Can't you people atleast just say that he is a fuckboy immoral alpha male? Can't you people atleast say that he is a college frat boy?

Why do you always blame beta males for every bad thing?

Again, you people here are just confirming my point and that point us that beta males are not respected by people such as YOU while alpha males are worshiped by people such as YOU!

You always blame beta males as the ones doing the bad things. Real alpha males to you are always innocent, perfect, and never did anything wrong. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

For you, there are no such thing as imperfect alpha males. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Society loves strong winners and hate weaklings. If the winners are evil, all the better as long as they only hurt weaklings and outcasts and not society.
They are aggressive battle-hungry scumbags who love hurting their opponents.

Stop trapping beta males in the matrix that nice people are rewarded and victorious. Let them escape the matrix so that they will truly know what it means to be an alpha male.
What? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Delusional. It's obvious that a lot of them have violent criminal records especially the elites of the elites. That's a fact that you can't deny.

for any who come after this, watch before responding to this child

Okay, I think we're venturing off into something that should be its own thread (which, by no means, am I asking for by the way).

Let's just put this out there: yes, many women are indeed attracted to toxic men.

I do believe that much of the outrage from women towards the likes of Andrew Tate, Fresh & Fit, and that whole crowd needs to also be directed towards the women who are part of these mens' entourages of their own volition. These women give credibility to the toxic messages of these men, and that part is going unaddressed.

But I'm gonna tell you this: if you're not the toxic guy attracting the hybristophiliacs, don't try to fake it. You can't. And even if you could, you're not built for the problems that dealing with these types of women come with. Those "alpha males" you praise so much are, though.

Are you still in high school? Things should get better after you graduate. If you're getting bullied by the jocks, the girls in your school will witness this (and all other aspects of your daily social interactions) and judge you accordingly. At least after you graduate, that's no longer a factor.
Dude, a lot of us were bullied ourselves. People who come to martial arts classes with an attitude tend to leave with bruises, and they don't last long in our world. There are exceptions, of course.
What? A lot of you? Most bullying victims are social outcasts. They become social outcasts because they are either autistic, introverted, eccentric, physically disabled, timid, shy, orphans, culturally different, gay, lesbian, goths, have parents who are criminals, have promiscuous mothers, etc. The world is not fair.

Plus, bullies attacking everyone? Are you kidding me? No one is that stupid to do something like that! Everyone will gang up on and ostracize him if he does something like that. Use your brain.

Effective bullies only bully those who are either outcasts or low on the social totem pole.

Plus, really? Martial artists are the ones targeted by bullies? The most dangerous athletes are the ones targeted by bullies? And not just one martial artist but all of them? Are you kidding me? I mean bullies are indeed evil but they're not stupid. They have to be suicidal and have a deathwish to do something like that. Use your brain.

So you saying that most people are bullied is absolutely nonsense.
I merely said that I think you're a black piller. That term is not an insult (to my knowledge), and I have no idea if you're a "beta male" or whether or not you can get laid.

They tend not to have the conscious awareness of things that you seem to have. They're just living their lives.

So I don't know what your bottom line is, and I've asked you.

But it does appear to be in line with the black pill message, albeit when it comes to "toughness" rather than "getting the girl." I.e., your message appears to be that the men with the naturally higher testosterone are always going to be the toughest, and that martial arts training cannot overcome that. And that "nerds" who train in martial arts will have to accept that as their lot in life.

Is this correct?
No! You hate blackpillers because they are all beta male incels who are weak and can't get laid and not because their ideology is misogynistic or dangerous. You can't accept the fact that strong alpha attractive males with harems of hot girls can also be evil.

Why can't you just make the assumption that I am probably just some confident alpha male highschool gridiron football captain prom king who glorifies toxic masculinity. Why do you always have to blame betas and weak virgins for every crime?

Most evils in the whole world such as genocides, rapes, murders, gangster crime, etc. have all been committed by alpha males because incels and weak betas have no power to do things like that or charisma to command others to do things like that.
This is so much fun! Lol all martial artists have a little touch of masochism. Pain is just weakness leaving the body!
We're not technically married but yeah, I did get with a bit of a mean girl. She's not a fan of weakness in her man. Keeps me on my toes. Ever heard the phrase "iron sharpens iron"?
Let's see, how does she bully me....
She'll call me a whiny little b$tch if I try to complain about something.
The worst is when she sneaks up behind me and tries to poke me with her finger between my buttocks. I've developed the self defense reflex of clenching the cheeks together anytime my Spidey senses tingle that she's lurking around back there.
She's like a walking beta male suppressor.
The trick is to not show weakness so she won't be provoked into attacking.
You see, a good woman will bring out the best in you. It's just that sometimes she has to crush the parts that aren't so good to accomplish that. At least that's what she keeps telling me........
GSP started doing Kyokushin karate at 7 years old, and was a 2nd dan by the age of 12, but yes, it was definitely his time as a hockey player that made him into the combat athlete he was.
If I understand your word salad, you're basically saying athletes in contact sports make better fighters. As a shower thought that brilliant, I mean who could figure out people who participate in organized violence ( if you've ever been tackled in football or checked into the boards in hockey you know what I mean)are capable of aggressive behavior?
Exactly! You just confirmed my point. Athletes of gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball indeed tend to make the best warriors(martial artists, military soldiers, etc.) in history and that's because they are the people who are testosterone-filled brutish thugs with killer instincts.

By the way, sports do not create alpha males. They attract them. This is why nerds and gentle good males are very bad at sports especially gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball.

Sports do not create alpha males. They reveal them.

You will never survive in gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball if you're an average ordinary person, a decent good person, or a nerd. You have to be a competitive alpha male scum brute to be good at any sports.

This is why sports especially gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball are necessary evils because without sports, alpha male brutish thugs won't have healthy ways to channel their aggression and ruthless brutal killer instinct. Without sports, you're middle-class-to-upper-class teenage alpha male testosterone-filled dudes will form gangs in the streets and fight each other and other people and also cause trouble everywhere. They are gonna be even bigger bullies than they are now and will rape more females. Worse, they won't just attack social outcasts but EVERYONE.

It's not that sports create alpha males and tough men. It's just that testosterone-filled alpha male tough brutes tend to gravitate towards sports especially gridiron football, lacrosse, hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball and are the best in all of them. The reason why they are the best in all of them is because alpha male brutes with killer instinct tend to be extremely competitive and extremely dominating in everything in life while your average person is afraid of competition and domination.

Competitive domination is the mark of the alpha male and the warrior.

Sports do not create alpha males. They reveal and attract them.

They were already alpha males before they were athletes. Their alpha male killer instinct mindset has always been with them since they were in their moms' wombs.

To be a great warrior and tough guy, an aggresive power-hungry mindset is far more important than physical attributes and physical skills especially on the long run.

An unathletic person with a competitive and dominating mentality is often scary and intimidating to your athletic people who aren't competitive or dominating.
I do believe that much of the outrage from women towards the likes of Andrew Tate, Fresh & Fit, and that whole crowd needs to also be directed towards the women who are part of these mens' entourages of their own volition. These women give credibility to the toxic messages of these men, and that part is going unaddressed.
I won't deny that hybristophilia exists but it's really not that hard to get people (including women) to take photos with you and portray yourself as an "alpha male", especially if you've been on reality TV and/or give them money or visibility on social media. The problem is less with those women but with the people that believe it gives Tate any credibility at all (no personal offense meant).

People tend to believe what makes them feel better about themselves, and it's easy for incels to believe a guy - even a goofball from reality TV - that tells them that they are the victims of an injust world. They start talking about "alpha males" and "beta males" and to blame women or society for their sexual frustrations, a bit like what conspirationists do. If a "beta" doesn't get laid, it's because women are attracted to those psychopathic alpha males, and are too stupid to pay attention to the "nice guy" in front of them. Those ideas give the "betas" easy excuses for their sexual frustrations. And since they don't have the social/sexual experience to contradict those ideas, they lap it all up. Guys like Tate attract incels, not women, and make a business out of it.

There are alternatives. You can find lots of resources, including online, on how to be more successful in your social life or, generally, be a better man. There are better role models than Tate to emulate out there. But those paths involve getting out of one's basement.
Are you still in high school? Things should get better after you graduate. If you're getting bullied by the jocks, the girls in your school will witness this (and all other aspects of your daily social interactions) and judge you accordingly. At least after you graduate, that's no longer a factor.
WHAT?! Are you saying to me that girls will love and have sex with bullying victims? Delusional! No! Women hate and do not respect beta male social outcasts who can't stand up for themselves. The fact that you think that the beautiful model cheer squad leader will love the nerd is beyond delusional and insanity. She won't respect him and will hold him in absolute disdain just like what most girls like her do in real-life. That's what always happens.That's real-life! I don't know what you're talking about.

And this phenomenon goes on even after highschool. Highschool is just a sneakpeak in what happens in the outside adult world.

Again, here are proof:

The phenomenon of "nice guys finish last" is a fact of life that most rational people have accepted a long LONG LONE time ago. This nihilistic but logical belief vastly predates the black pill, the red pill, Andrew Tate, and all of the manosphere world.

But in regards to the manosphere, I don't think you know a decent amount of info about them. Because you keep calling all manosphere as blackpillers when blackpillers(incels) are just one of multiple branches in the manosphere. There are also the red pill, MGTOW, etc.


Also, not all of manosphere are timid loser ugly midget social outcasts. Many manosphere believers such as MGTOW are just average males who hate modern dating and promiscuity and want traditional housewives as oppose to liberated promiscuous entitled females.

Seriously, do you really think that humans are some pure angels with souls?

Humans are not divine beings created by God because there is no deity or any god(I am a scientific atheist). There is no supernatural. There's only the physical natural world. Science and the universe doesn't care about your feelings.

Humans are not divine angels. Humans are just biological primate apes who evolved from much earlier primitive prehistoric primate apes and all non-human apes have social hierarchies ruled by alphas. These alphas are the strongest in their tribes and command everyone in their tribes. These alphas also have the most female mates and are desired by all females of their species. So humans are also hierarchy-based societies ruled by alphas since humans are also primates and apes.

Also, stop saying that I am bullied by highschool athletes. You're just proving my point that beta males are dismissed and disrespected by all people such as you and that people such as YOU worship alpha male thugs. You're just saying to me that you don't take me seriously because I am a "loser bullied beta male" and that you will always believe confident alpha male thugs no matter the info they say including infos that are downright FALSE and DELUSIONAL.

Also, you're being discriminatory. You automatically dismiss all bullied social outcasts and bullied timid people as dumb just because they are not tough and attractive.

Honestly, that's a very retarded move from you given the fact that history's greatest scientists aren't professional athletes or tough guy alpha males but are... well... NERDS and are proud NERDS.

You judge people based on their appearance.

So you're dumb.
What? A lot of you? Most bullying victims are social outcasts. They become social outcasts because they are either autistic, introverted, eccentric, physically disabled, timid, shy, orphans, culturally different, gay, lesbian, goths, have parents who are criminals, have promiscuous mothers, etc. The world is not fair.

Plus, bullies attacking everyone? Are you kidding me? No one is that stupid to do something like that! Everyone will gang up on and ostracize him if he does something like that. Use your brain.

Effective bullies only bully those who are either outcasts or low on the social totem pole.

Plus, really? Martial artists are the ones targeted by bullies? The most dangerous athletes are the ones targeted by bullies? And not just one martial artist but all of them? Are you kidding me? I mean bullies are indeed evil but they're not stupid. They have to be suicidal and have a deathwish to do something like that. Use your brain.

So you saying that most people are bullied is absolutely nonsense.
Do you actually do martial arts?…..
Yes, laugh. That's a bullying tactic against betas and social outcasts. You're just showing to me that you don't take me seriously just because you think that I am a beta male loser and not because you think that what I am saying is absolutely false.

Thanks for proving my point that indeed society loves evil alpha tough guys but hate weak but good timid beta males.