Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

Funakoshi did say spirit first technique second or some such.....
Bullies are just the juvenile form of a$$holes. Learn to do deal with bullies when you're young cause you'll have to deal with a-holes your whole life.
Bullies are just the juvenile forms of adult alpha male criminals
Don't have a name of the MMA folks huh..... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.... and you got nothing.... yup your a troll and not even good at it.... I'm guessing I estimated your age wrong.... not high school...junior high....

It's past your bedtime junior....
I think the OP is what's called a "black piller."
Guys.... I'm so sorry. I've been training for a little while in martial arts, I've even entered competitions... I'm really so sorry. I guess I'm considered an athlete as I train most days and do train for events.

Heck I even played roller hockey for a few years...:(

You've probably noticed my over the top alpha-maleness on here getting worse...

I'm really, so very sorry. I'll try and be better.
I tried to be understanding with the OP. Sounds like a recent high school grad that still has a chip on his shoulder.

I don't think Andrew Tate would be trash-talking the same guys that the OP is trash-talking. Hell, Andrew Tate happens to be in that group that the OP is hating on.

IMO, people with large platforms who bash Andrew Tate need to propose alternative solutions to the problems young men seek him out for in the first place. Andrew Tate rose to where he is because - his solutions being right or wrong - he's the only one addressing these young men.
I am not a highschool grad. Stop stereotyping people as some bullied kid just because they are saying the truth that alpha males are bullies. The truth is that they are indeed bullies and I provided more than enough proof here to prove that.
Possibly I'm misinterpreting this, but the OP seems to be glorifying people who have 'a killer instinct'. That's not what life's about.
I am not glorifying them. I am just saying the truth why that's the case.

I am just saying that the world isn't perfect or fair. Often times, it doesn't have a happy ending. Good doesn't always win against evil. Humans deep down are selfish which is how evil wins.

For example, if you're short, you will always be at a significant disadvantage against tall people.
I'm interpreting it as envy. It's glory, yet anger towards them at the same time.
Are you insulting me? Why are you insulting me like this? Are you saying that I want to be some predatory pig that wants to prey on and take advantage of people? Are you saying that I am an *******? Are you saying that I am some dumb highschool kid who glorifies assholes? Like I want to be an *******?

Don't you dare mock me.

I don't envy them. In fact, they disgusts me and they rightfully deserve my hate and contempt for them. Bullies, rapists, gangsters, predatory pedophiles, wife beaters, sexual cheaters, offspring beaters, thieves, and molesters are evil subhumans. Plain and simple.

I am just saying the truth that killer instinct is the key to being a great warrior. That message of my is not meant to be happy or sad. I am just delivering a scientific truth. Science and stoicism isn't about being happy or sad. Embracing truth is not about attaining happiness. It's about stoically accepting reality. Science doesn't care about your feelings. Science is not about fun.
Yeah, I suppose so. OP, I hope you work this stuff out. Really. There are bad people everywhere, combat sports included. But there are good people too.
Honestly, why would I want the most badass people(martial artists) to be assholes? It will be great if they are not and are instead heroes who protect victims from bullies. But that's not the truth. The truth is that they are the villains and that sucks!

Seriously, do you really think people would love to think that the strongest and most beautiful people are assholes? No!

It would be great if highschool athletes and the most attractive popular girl in the class aren't some narcissistic evil bullies.

Like why is it that assholes get the hot girls? Why is it that the hot girls prefer assholes? Why would I want that reality? It's not fair! I hate that!

Like do you really think that fans would love to see their idols as scumbags? No!

Seriously, it would be great that the strongest people and the most beautiful people are the nicest.

It's for the same reason escapists turn to comics, video games, fictional movies, and anime because the protagonist of those mediums are often strong attractive brave warriors but are also the most moral people.

What fan of anime, video games, fictional movies, and comics would want their beloved fictional protagonists being some psychopathic douchebags?

I am not being a some idiot who loves stereotypes. I am just disappointed at the fact that the most strongest and the most attractive people are the villains of the world. To me, they just seem like idiots who abused their power and ego.

Reality is often disappointing.

Why would I want the most beautiful people and the strongest people to be assholes they are not? There's no reason for me to do so if they are not.
The yang - we used to F kids like you in reform school.

Come on back in ten years, boy.
And by F, you mean bully. As for the reform school part, sir, I am not an *******. I am not glorifying shitbag alpha males. I am just saying that killer instinct is the key to be a great fighter.

But I think you see me as some disgruntled resentful bullied highschool nerd which is why you all don't respect me here or take me seriously and instead type these things like how you would bully/F me in reform schools.

You probably also discriminate me as some loser nerd because of the anime video that I posted. You think that all anime fans are dumb loser idiots. Hey! Wakey wakey! Anime is mainstream nowadays. Everyone watches anime now so don't stereotype me as some nerd just because of my anime video.
Nope, not predatory either. They are not preying on their opponents
They are aggressive battle-hungry scumbags who love hurting their opponents.

Stop trapping beta males in the matrix that nice people are rewarded and victorious. Let them escape the matrix so that they will truly know what it means to be an alpha male.
This thread made me think of that newer jump street movie when Tatum's character bullies some kid to be cool and the other kids have the opposite reaction than he wanted 😂
Dang I wanna go back to high school now.
I am assuming that the character is a beta male that wants to be a tough guy bully but the kids didn't reject him because he was a tough guy bully. They rejected him because he is bad at masquerading as a genuine bully which is why the other kids saw that he's just a nice moral nerd who was trying to be a genuine bully. Another problem with his attempt is that he probably bullied a "cool" kid genuine bully and everyone hates it when they're beloved bullies get bullied. He made a mistake. He should have bullied social moral outcasts. Another mistake he probably made was that he probably had the reputation of being nerd when he attempted being a bully. He shouldn't have done that. He should have done that in front of kids who didn't know about his nerd background.

But anyways, it's just a movie. It's not real-life.

But yes, this happens in real-life but just very rarely. There are indeed some beta males who try to be bullies but are bad at looking like them which is why the other kids see through those beta males. But the truth is that most beta males that attempt being bullies are good at looking like genuine bullies which is why they become popular with other kids.

Anyways, this character you're making fun of is probably a nerd. You do not disprove my argument. You're just proving my point that real alpha male bullies indeed are respected while nerds and good people don't win and are not taken seriously by people such as YOU. That's what YOU PEOPLE here have been doing to me here because you all perceive me as some bullied resentful scrawny short highschool nerd who loves anime. And because of that, you don't take me seriously. You would certainly respect and believe me if I was a tall muscular highschool gridiron football captain.

Anyways, my point is that assholes are respected and are often winners. You are a proof of that.

You don't take me seriously because you think my message is false. You don't take me seriously because you perceive me as a scrawny short socially-awkward bullied nerd.
That’s not true at all. Rage won’t get you anywhere with people that have real fight experience.
People with rage and killer instinct mentality tend to love starting fights everywhere which is why they have more realistic real-life street fighting experiences compared to martial artists and non-combat sports athletes.

You are wrong. Predatory killer instinct people have far more real-life fighting experiences which is why they destroy martial artists and non-combat sports athletes in real-life situations.
High school girls being aggressive? Say it ain’t so.
They're mostly social bullies, emotional bullies, relational bullies, mental bullies, and verbal bullies.

They would say the meanest **** you. They'll spread extremely negative rumors about you. They'll ostracize you. They'll publicly humiliate you. They're the reason why the whole school hates and shuns you. They're the reason why you don't have friends.

Girl bullies are rarely physical.

They might not break your bones but they will surely destroy your life and your self-esteem.
No they don’t that’s complete and utter rubbish. Obviously you’ve got something against mma but you’re talking absolute rubbish. Yeah there’s some bad people in the sport some as every other walk of life there’s bad people and yes Jon jones is a scumbag. But look at the other top fighters in the sport.

Gsp, Anderson silva, Randy couture, chuck liddel, rich Franklin, Forrest griffin, Demetrius Johnson, Khabib.

2 of those names gsp and Khabib they have said many times they did not want to hurt people in their fights and gsp was bullied relentlessly as a kid before he got into martial arts to defend himself. Demetrius Johnson absolutely lovely guy streams video games and enters jiu jitsu tournaments for fun. Frank Franklin former high school teacher, Forrest griffin former cop.

Again yes there are bad people in the sport but there’s bad people in every sport.

You seem to hate mma for some reason what that reason is is between you and your therapist but it’s completely incorrect
No! It's an obvious fact that elite MMA fighters have criminal records. For example, Mike Tyson was a gang member in his youth.