Hapkido Forms

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My master teaches three levels of breathing exercises (beginner, intermediate, and advance) for pre-Dan students. Then he teaches forms to Black Belts.
Glad you could make it x1bueller!!!

So what do you think of the site? I think you'll really like this site for all of the different types of MA here.

Yes it is true that there really are no forms in the purity of HapKiDo

The forms are acording to the interest of the teacher or its teachers or teachers and according to their interest.

I respect the ones that use them and mainly the ones that do not do so !

Ramon Navarro
Hapkido SabomNim
SongMooKwan Hapkido
Los Llanos de Cururndu, Panama.
Personally I see nothing wrong if a teacher chooses to add a few forms in the studies to aid in the students learning. Its just when they are there to add to the amount of time required to study or amount of tests you have to take ( paying in ) for your next belt, that it is a problem.
Originally my studies were under Master Pak Sung Han of Wae Moo Kwan...no hyung. The concentration was on the self-defense techniques.

I then transitioned to Sun Moo Kwan under Jae Sun Ji where hyung were present. Not the primary concentration by any means, but present nonetheless.

My personal opinion is that Hapkido is very much a hands-on type of art. It is diffcult in performing Hapkido hyung to truly practice the essence of the art. Then again, I have only been exposed to one kwan's hyung. This may not be the case with other kwans.

Bill Parsons
In the association (Scandinavian Sin Moo Hapkido Association)where I train we don't have any forms, as far as I know.
Hi you all and be blessed. Besides I hope that this 2003 year is better beyond the past years in general.

Would liked to announce that Academia de Hapkido : HapKiDo Style Song Moo Kwan in the country of Panama Has mooved from Los Llanos de Curundu To Edificio Los Alamos, Local #5 in the Jose Agustin Arango Ave. At Urbanisaciñn Marcasa.

Our Fone # (507) 233 0296.
Greetings, I have listed the forms I teach below.

Ki Bon Il Hyung
Chun Ki Hyung
Gee Ki Hyung
Nae Ki Hyung
Wae Ki Hyung
Ki Hap Hyung Sae

Not sure if this helps anyone and I do not have any actual links to videos of these forms as of yet however I do plan to make some in the near future.
I trained in Hapkido in Taegu, South Korea for two years. We did not have formal Hapkido patterns but we did practice the Kyuk Toogi patterns which have been officially incorporated into Hapkido. Each level did have required 2 step 4 step sparring and standing/sitting self defense.

Since I've returned I've been training/teaching a mixture of Karate, TKD and Hapkido. However, I'd rather concentrate on Hapkido. The Karate school which I teach at is really open to "new" styles (Ha Ha) so they've given me a Friday slot in the schedule.

So....now, I want a "standarized" Hapkido prg where I can take my students to other clubs and everything will be similar. I'm getting really frustrated. There are a bunch of TKD schools which teach a few wrist locks and call it Hapkido. When I was living in Korea, my gym had each move for each level on posters on the wall.... I should have copied it out. My problem is I earned my second degree 5 years ago - so I know all kind of locks/falls/punches kicks and throws etc. however, I don't know for which level (belt) each one goes with. Would anyone happen to have the requirements for each belt written down somewhere? I can't find anything online.

I did a six belt system - but I need the official testing requirments for each level.

In the kwan to which I belong we use the hyung of the WHF including Chung Ki, Gi Ki, Nae Ki, Wae Ki and Kihap Hyung Sae. In addition each of the weapons levels in Black Belt have a hyung and there are extras such as the Tam Tui 12 that get taught. All good training.

Best Wishes,

Being a 5th Dan in Hap Ki Do AND TKD and TSD, I am VERY HAPPY there are NO forms! :) (I know SOME do use them, but I started Hap Ki Do almost 30 years ago, and NO one was teaching forms back then! NOT that I know of anyway!)
aplechaty said:
Greetings, I have listed the forms I teach below.

Ki Bon Il Hyung
Chun Ki Hyung
Gee Ki Hyung
Nae Ki Hyung
Wae Ki Hyung
Ki Hap Hyung Sae

These are my forms also. I'm glad my place teaches them as I've always like forms.
By way of extension, I have also begun to publish the weapons hyung on my website beginning with the HwaRang Sword Forms and hopefully including each of the respective forms for each of the swords used by the martial traditions of Korea. (See: www.midwesthapkido.com )

There are a lot of projects going on all at the same time so please pardon the "dust".

Best Wishes,

Thanks Bruce! Actually, I took Hap Ki Do from Kwang Sik Myung on Wilshire Blvd. (just North of Korea Town on Wilshire and Vermont) back in the early 80's, but just as a 9th Gup in his Dojang. I cannot remember if he taught us forms, but for some reason, I think he may have?????

Just a few odd thoughts.

I still use the five hyung that GM Myung teaches in much the same way that the Karate people use the Heian Kata. When a person hits cho-dan they will probably be working on the 5th hyung (Ki-hap Hyung Sae). At that point I have considered offering a split in the training. For the folks that want to take the Hapki-yu-sool path I would probably require that they use either all of the previous hyung or learn Tan Tui 12 to keep their range-of-motion and technical skills in concussive techniques. For those that want to stay at the yu-sool level there is a range of weapons and specialized areas of development. Each of the weapons has their own forms and some levels such as 4th Dan (sword) and 5th Dan (staff) have multiple items to learn.

As far as whether or not folks use hyung as part of training I suppose to some extent that is a personal choice. For me I have never found that it has hurt me, and has offered a good alternative for those times when I have had to nurse an injury or isolate a troubling motion that inpairs me execution. FWIW.

Best Wishes,


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