Hand Trap

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Assume you and your opponent both have right side forward (uniform stance). You can parry down your opponent's leading right arm with your

1. back left hand clockwise to your right, or
2. leading right hand counter-clockwise to your left,

and then punch your other hand toward his head.

Which method is better? Why? Your thought?
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From a tactical standpoint, reaching through to grab/ cover with the rear hand (left in this case), and punching with the right front hand would be better because if done properly you've denied them access to their rear hand, unless of course, they spin, but grabbing at the elbow can shut that down.

If the front hand were used in the parry, especially if going counterclockwise, you've done nothing to take away his rear hand, you are punching across your body and your opponent has full hip motion, not to mention they can borrow the force of the parry, giving him a stronger punch.
If the front hand were used in the parry, especially if going counterclockwise, you've done nothing to take away his rear hand, you are punching across your body and your opponent has full hip motion, not to mention they can borrow the force of the parry, giving him a stronger punch.
Thanks for pointing out this important concept.

ALL MA systems talk about to block your opponent's punch. But there is a big difference between to move your opponent's leading arm to

1. jam his own back arm, and
2. open his center, allow your opponent to borrow your force, spin his body, and deliver a powerful back hand punch.

The leading hand trap makes sense in mirror stance. But it doesn't make sense in uniform stance. Your leading hand trap open yourself up. before your back punch can land on your opponent, your opponent's back punch may land on you first.

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