Hair Pull defence

As with any situation where the assailant gives you a convenient limb to play with, I would suggest trapping, a quick painful distraction technique, followed by turning around beneath their arm ( while the hand is still locked in position). People tend to loosen their grip once their wrist is facing the wrong direction. Then, as you are still in possession of the aforementioned limb,do what you will with your recently acquired hand. I did this during practice when I had long hair. I had always been a bit worried about it, so I applied the same logic used in any grab attack. Like I always say, anyone foolish enoughto give you an arm doesn't deserve to get it back. (at least not in the same condition they gave it to you in) =^_^=
Hi there,new to forum,but heres my two cents worth!
Assuming the rear hair grab is with the aim of pulling the victim backwards, how about going with it, and headbutt the attacker with the back of the head, and then follow up with sidekick to the knee or shin, scrapping the edge of your shoe down the shin, finally stamping on the attackers instep to damage the foot and hopefully delay any pursuit whilst the victim runs for help.
Hello, Hair pulling hurts.....any type of after techniques will help you in escaping.

Easter coming .... Did you know rabbits have "HARE" too!

(ear pulling technique works for rabbits? and big ear humans?)

Aloha ( ok I heard you?)
First of all learn how to fall. Chances are if he or she has got your pony they are pulling you off your feet. Secondly practice "real" hair grabs. Run your hand along the scalp and make a fist. The pain you experience should be more so than the pony tail pull. Thirdly, practice, practice, practice.
That's terrible and I'm glad the bastard was caught. It wasn't enough that he managed to get her down but kept on kicking and beating her... maybe she was moaning/groaning in pain but sheesh fella enough is enough...
But it does show the reaction time and just what can happen if you don't respond quick enough.

I sucked what he did to her.

It was not right.

But, what value did it give her to hang onto her purse and or keys or what ever else he had to kick to get her to release?

There comes a point when it is better to give the stuff away especially if you can stay and he leaves.
The only real defence against hair-grabs is not to have any or to practise continual awareness (zanshin).

A pony-tail like mine makes a convenient handle but it's not more vulnerable really than any grasping of the hair. Given that I'm middle aged, my hair falls out as soon as you look at it anway :D.

As an aside, that surveilance video was really disturbing - shoot the SOB and improve the gene-pool.
My hair has been so short for so many years that you'd need tweezers to pull it.....but when I was a teenager I actually got in a fight where my hair was pulled (back in my pony tail days ;)).

I remember we got in a fight in a cemetary, and this guy had been getting had, when he grabbed my hair with one hand and my left arm (which had been jabbing him) with his other.....unfortunately for him, that left another arm which I used to palm-heel smack him in the groin several times until he let go.......then I headbutted him, choked him and landed some elbows to the back of his head....ending the fight with some leg kicks, when his buddies jumped in, seperate us and realizing I was outnumbered, decided what was the better part of valor!

Funny thing about having my hair pulled......I really didn't feel it at the time! I just couldn't move my head where I wanted to go....but by grabbing my hair, he left at least one uncontrolled hand!

That having been said, bald is beautiful when it comes to 'Hair Grabbing' defense. ;)
we ran through it with some willing female students with long hair.............ok, they know its coming so may not have been 100% accurate on their responses.............and TBH it was a 50 50 split in the immediate reaction, depending also on the force of the attack and the size and shape of the student

so really not easiest technique to quantify

if student was small and the yank was hard enough the were pulled easily off balance and possibly ended up on the floor..............genarally with hair being let go of and then it became a defence from the floor once the victim had reagined enogh composure to fight.................probably the worst case scenario....................but one we are going to introduce and discuss in future courses

then there was the jerk away from the pull with a hand going up to protect from the hair pull...........with this pull away, if there was a dip and rotation the victim could now turn and face the attacker and respond with close up responses (knees elbows palm jabs etc
What is the purpose of the hair grab in the first place?

When I worked in corrections in our jail, I was talking to a guy who had been in prison and said that he witnessed a fight where one guy had long hair and the other guy walked up and grabbed the hair and then "spun" his hand around it so it was all wound up/caught up in the hair then proceeded to pound the guy unconscious.

I had an incident where a very violent/strong EI inmate went after one of the other deputies. The guy was alot taller than me, but I grabbed two handfuls of hair and yanked him to the ground like on the video and then we were able to restrain him without having to really hurt him.

So if you are getting grabbed why? Is it for a takedown, is it to hold the head in place to strike, or is it for intimidation/fear to control for something else (robbery or rape)?

I think you are going to find different answers for all of those scenarios. So it's hard to give a set answer.
What is the purpose of the hair grab in the first place?

When I worked in corrections in our jail, I was talking to a guy who had been in prison and said that he witnessed a fight where one guy had long hair and the other guy walked up and grabbed the hair and then "spun" his hand around it so it was all wound up/caught up in the hair then proceeded to pound the guy unconscious.

I had an incident where a very violent/strong EI inmate went after one of the other deputies. The guy was alot taller than me, but I grabbed two handfuls of hair and yanked him to the ground like on the video and then we were able to restrain him without having to really hurt him.

So if you are getting grabbed why? Is it for a takedown, is it to hold the head in place to strike, or is it for intimidation/fear to control for something else (robbery or rape)?

I think you are going to find different answers for all of those scenarios. So it's hard to give a set answer.

Excellent points that must be considered in an objective manner if a workable answer is to be found.

The same thing applies to lapel-grabs, wrist-grabs, etc. It is very common in the martial-arts to see a technique performed when someone grabs on and just stands there (how nice of them). The problem with this type of attack energy is that if they're just standing there anything will work. If they give you an attack with some intent and energy, it completely changes the game...all the trapping/parrying/locking crap goes out the window when you're being slammed into the wall by your hair or your shoulder feels like it's going to pop out of joint because the guy that grabbed your wrist is swinging you around like a rag-doll instead of standing there like a dumbass (how inconsiderate of him...).