Gut feeling and instincts? is there a difference?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, All my life I felt this. Today I believe there is a difference ,for me anyway?
1: Gut feelings usually applies to more of a positive feeling,like go for it!this is the one! I know I am going to win!
2: Instincts usually gives some kind of a warning sign, something like ,does not feel right, leave now? something is wrong? Go the other way?

Do you believe there is a difference? Have you experience this? What are you thoughts? and have it ever save you? Mahalo and Aloha
Good question Still Learning. In my opinion gut feelings and instincts are tied into each other. I feel that instincts are something that you naturally have and when you get a gut feeling its a physical manifestation of your instincts.

Your past experiences and knowledge shape how you react to a situation be it good or bad. In my job I always experience gut feelings based upon observations I make. A gut feeling though is not enough to arrest an individual for a specific crime. I have to make the arrest based upon probable cause. I do not disregard my gut feelings because they guide my actions and help keep me safe.

In my view instincts and gut feelings tie into each other and influence the way we react to a situation regardless if the situation is "good" or "bad".

I think you are right about gut feeling are positive or negative and could affect the outcome of a fight say if you were outnumbered in an alley or if my son was out after midnight, my gut feeling that it is not a positive thing.

Your intuition - knowing by instinct without conscious reason - is perception. I think is also is a basic survival mechanism so we don't overthink just act. An example: in the above situation, you see the way the opponents move or weapons and from your past ingrained experience in training MA, your subconscious is affected and takes over and you can intuit or think instinctly that you can survive and you move without really thinking about it. TW
If you are interested in this topic, you should read the book: The Gift Of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. The paperback will only run you about 6 or 7 bucks and it is well worth the read. The whole book pretty much covers this topic in depth. I have read it twice, and recommend it to anyone who may someday need to defend themselves. Which is pretty much everyone.

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