Hmmm...they always fail to mention the other statistic Kman, the other one you pointed out...that guns are used to stop violent crime over 100,000 times a year here in the states...I do believe that that number is higher than 11,000...unless they do math differently over seas...and keep in mind...the 11,000 number is solid because they can actually count the bodies, while the 100,000 number is actually larger because guns stop crime often with no shots fired and no bodies being created...meaning those cases aren't reported in the crime stats...
And to repeat...100,000 that is the number from the gun grabber,crowd so it Is the lowest number they could find...the actual number for defensive gun uses is much higher since a lot of defensive gun uses go unreported or un counted, since many times no shots have to be fired and no one gets killed, thereby not counting in he statistics....
So again...if you get rid of guns, the total crime rate goes up by 100,000 crimes,a year spread across robbery, rape and modern since this are the crimes that force victims,to draw their weapons in self defense...
So countries with strict gun control want their citizens to be victims of rape, robbery and murder instead of not being victims because they used a gun to stop the crime...right?
So if you get rid of guns, you get rid of defensive gun uses, and create 100,000 more victims...that is better right?
(Keep in mind...Hemmenway is an anti-gunner)
Hemenway contends the Kleck and Gertz study is unreliable and no conclusions can be drawn from it.[4] He argues that there are too many "false positives" in the surveys, and finds the NCVS figures more reliable, yielding estimates of around 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Applying different adjustments, other social scientists suggest that between 250,000 and 370,000 incidences per year.[9]
The Ncvs survey yields about 108,000 defensive gun uses a year...which is 8,000 more...which means that you have a hard dead body number of 11,000 and a gun grabber number of 108,000 defensive gun uses against violent crime...11,000 vs. 108,000...again, no wonder they don't mention the other number...
Hmmmm...other social scientists say how many defensive gun uses...250,000 to 370,000....
. Applying different adjustments, other social scientists suggest that between 250,000 and 370,000 incidences wonder anti-gun activists fail to mention that nip umber when they bring up the dead body count of 11,000...I guess that is because one number is larger than the other....thereby weakening their claims...with their own numbers...
Kleck notes that many other surveys (at least 20) have likewise obtained huge estimates of DGU frequency, from 500,000 to over 3 million per year -common enough to outnumber criminal uses[15] and further notes that studies of methodological errors in surveys concerning other crime-related behaviors and experiences have consistently found that the errors produce, on net, underestimates of the frequency of the behaviors, including victimization experiences, offending behavior, and gun ownership.[15] He has pointed out that critics' assessment of possible errors in surveys are one-sided - that they consider only flaws that would contribute to overestimation of defensive gun use frequency.
Remember originally brought up these stats. In another thread...they are your numbers...