Gun laws in Australia

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Perhaps you should both ignore each other? Can you put a mod on ignore?

Now that you mention it, I should find out how to do that.

Sometimes when you try to be nice, or when you at least don't mean any harm, people get hostile for no reason. Easy to do when you're hiding behind a computer screen.
I have a list of names you might want to look at...

I have my own list. Ironically, this is supposed to be a friendly martial arts chat board and the martial arts itself is supposed to promote respect for yourself and others but on this board, as on most boards, it has its share of cowardly bullies that hide behind computer screens.
I have my own list. Ironically, this is supposed to be a friendly martial arts chat board and the martial arts itself is supposed to promote respect for yourself and others but on this board, as on most boards, it has its share of cowardly bullies that hide behind computer screens.

You do realise everybody is hiding behind a computer screen don't you?

You are not the exception.
Thats the point. Making it legal wouldnt stop the addicts that are stealing, robbing, and killing people to fund the habit.

BUT that is the reason alot of people do train. Also the reason alot of people want to carry a gun.

Yeah but for all the good reasons to carry there are also bad reasons. And in a society without gun control they are just as valid.

Everybody makes this statement that they are only carrying for the best of reasons. But at the same time are supporting those who don't.

This thread is in The Firing Range, not a Hosted Forum. ALL of the regular site rules apply. If you feel ANY poster, including Staff, has violated them, use the RTM button. Staff members are held to the same rules as anyone else, and have been punished in the past. With that said, let's get back to the original topic.

Asst. Administrator
Yeah but for all the good reasons to carry there are also bad reasons. And in a society without gun control they are just as valid.

Everybody makes this statement that they are only carrying for the best of reasons. But at the same time are supporting those who don't.

Who am I supporting that has bad reasons?
You do realise everybody is hiding behind a computer screen don't you?

You are not the exception.

Obvously. But to insult somebody and act hostile towards them when you're behind a computer screen is just downright cowardly. If you've got such stuff to say, say it to their face.

This thread is in The Firing Range, not a Hosted Forum. ALL of the regular site rules apply. If you feel ANY poster, including Staff, has violated them, use the RTM button. Staff members are held to the same rules as anyone else, and have been punished in the past. With that said, let's get back to the original topic.

Asst. Administrator

Thanks for the pointer but it is really too bad that you should have to punish anybody here. People should follow the rules so that you don't have to punish them. The martial arts is about respect and about being courteous and not insulting and hostile towards others. That's how people should act on these boards in the first place.
The aussies are nothing more than tax slaves. Surprized their masters still let them vote between their masters hand picked candidates. Pathetic.
The aussies are nothing more than tax slaves.

Hmm… the definition of a "tax slave" is someone who isn't paid the full worth that they work for, due to some of the wages being taken by an external entity (such as the government) in taxation… isn't that pretty much most of all societies and cultures, especially those represented on this forum?

For the record, of course, the idea of "tax slaves" is a desperate fallacy born of ignorant rhetoric and deep lacks in understandings of reality, and the structure of governmental societies… so… no.

Surprized their masters still let them vote between their masters hand picked candidates.

You really don't know how things work here, do you?


Right back at ya, kid.

Tell me something, what exactly is "karate lvelv 2"? Oh, and while you're at it, would you mind either backing up anything you're saying here with actual evidence, rather than inflammatory, ignorant tripe? Or, you know, apologise. That'd be good too.

EDIT: Letting us know where you're posting from (country, at least) would be good too…
Guess what champ?

Where do you think the English used to send the convicts before they started sending them to Australia?
One guess buddy.......... that's right America.

We got all the good looking ones and you lot got all the crazy ones.
I'm not all that surprised that you have so many serial killers running around , I mean considering you were once a prison colony yourselves.
I know this thread hasn't seen any action for awhile but I thought I might revive it. As for saying in Australia that you got all the good looking people, would you say that Kristen Stewart is good looking? Although she is not from Australia, she is from CA, she is nevertheless half Australian.
Okay, this will be blunt.

I know this thread hasn't seen any action for awhile but I thought I might revive it.

Why? I'm very serious with that, why are you reviving it? It's frankly a ludicrous thread from the outset, with a heavily ignorant, inflammatory, and largely baseless OP (from you), with the bulk of the thread being about "Guns are good, we're American!", "Gun control is good, we're Australian!" "You don't know what you're talking about!", "You don't know what you're talking about!", and so onÂ… it's a done thread, with nothing to offer other than the same self-serving and blinkered rhetoric that's been posted over and over again. Do you have anything that you feel is pertinent that you need to add to the conversation?

What is your reason for thinking this needs to be revived? And for then doing it?

As for saying in Australia that you got all the good looking people, would you say that Kristen Stewart is good looking? Although she is not from Australia, she is from CA, she is nevertheless half Australian.

Good god, can you not pick up on a tongue-in-cheek comment, even from 5 months ago (when you started this bizarre "conversation")? And what the hell does Kristen Stewart have to do with anything here? A person with an Australian mother, who has never lived here, was born in the US, is about as American as any other there, has exactly what to do with anything?!?

DudeÂ… get a grip. If you're going to make a comment on the attractiveness of Australian people (I really can't tell if you think you're continuing MJM's light-hearted comment, or if you're taking it as a serious commentÂ… I fear the latter), then how about you actually pick Australian people, yeah? Miranda Kerr, Elle MacPherson, Samantha Jade, Gabriella Cilme, Margot Robbie, Emily Browning, Gemma Ward, Phoebe Tonkin (she was actually born here, for the record), Indiana Evans, Isabel Lucas, Jennifer HawkinsÂ… or just have a look through here:

But a little more seriously, claims such as "we have the most beautiful people" can be made the world overÂ… surely you didn't think that MJM was completely serious in his comment, yeah?
I don't want to read through the whole topic but just a question. Im from the Netherlands and i wonder if Australia's law are the same as ours, here in the Netherlands it basically comes down to this:

People that can carry a firearm are:

- Policeofficers
- people that have a sportspermit (these people can only use it at the firing range)

For everyone else it's forbidden. If anyone with sportspermit shoots someone else in their home they will go to jail!!!
Hi Dylan,

There are differences (as you'd expect), and it changes from state to state, but broadly, it's not too dissimilar to that.
Hi Dylan,

There are differences (as you'd expect), and it changes from state to state, but broadly, it's not too dissimilar to that.

Well at least your government has some common sense, something we can't say about the US government.

All those people that say: "i need a gun to protect my home" are crazy as hell, the chances of a child getting his or her hands on that firearm in the house is more likely than beeing robbed in your house.
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