Calm down, Sparky! You're quite excitable, but perhaps you could render some assistance. You see I just took a peek at your article but wasn't quite sure what an "extremely risk torso twist is." However, I would certainly agree that the move is risky. Also, I'd figure a professional writer, such as you self-evidently are, would be certain to punctuate all of his sentences on his own website (as opposed to this rather informal discussion board where such priggishness only makes the source appear an intellectual tight ***). So, you might want to look over your gun disarm article once more before the grammar snobs take you to task.
Is your world normally thrown into confusion by the appearance of a single typo? I'll tell you what, though, Skippy -- you start your own monthly magazine and we'll go issue for issue counting errors. I'll even spot you a couple to get you started. Certainly a gigantic intellect such as you can bang out a few sample issues in no time at all...?
Now, you're what's called in the industry: an Internet warrior.
Actually, I'd be more correctly termed a "pundit." Now, you, as a passive-aggressive child who can only lash out at people while creating nothing of substance himself, might more accurately fit the "internet warrior" profile.
And, at this point that's about the best I can say about you. When you so immaturely toss off serious evaluations like "absurd," "ridiculous,"
A "serious evaluation" that is absurd still deserves to be ridiculed.
...and "nothing but contempt," for what would be for a rational person at most slight peccadillos
That last part doesn't even make structural sense. make the same mistake that Leftists do when they label everything as "racist," when it clearly is not warranted.
Yep, that's me. Old left-wing Phil, they call me.
Finally, you'll obviously never admit as much, but you clearly retreat and massage your own errors so that you're rarely wrong.
Actually, when I'm wrong, I admit it. I seldom retreat from anything; that's one of the reasons I continue to publish
The Martialist despite the childish nonsense I get from self-styled critics like you -- people who seem to have so very much to say but so precious little with which to support it.
Add a sprinkling of psychologizing and your Internet alter-ego is born.
For it to be an "alter ego" I'd have to be someone other than me.
A monthly publication like
The Martialist requires a great deal of effort and energy. There are times when, faced with the mewling and petulant outrage of children like you, I wonder why I work so hard at it. It is, after all, much easier to complain than to create. Fortunately, almost every time one of these little flare-ups occurs, I start receiving e-mails from people who actually grasp what is going on -- and what the entire point of the
self-defense industry happens to be.
When you figure that out, you'll be on your way to making something of yourself.