Guess the birthdate!!

terryl965 said:
Why do you wonderful poeple keep guessing, the date is going to be the one I picked in the beginning remember the all powerful has spoken and that is it.

LMAO!!! :ultracool
I have to guess my birthday as well: Sept 14th, 10:25 A.M.

Congrats whatever day it turns out to be!!
Kensai said:
Hey guys,

As I'm sure some of you are aware, my good lady and I are expecting our first wee baby sometime in September, well I should probably add "should be expecting her to appear in September". Her first daughter was 2 weeks early. The due date is set to be September (middle of - exact date escapes me - I'm such a bloke sometimes... :rolleyes: )

However, as I'm certain a lot of us are aware, when baby is due to turn up, and when she actually DOES, can vary greatly. So, without further ado, I hereby give you the MARTIAL TALK BABY SWEEPSTAKE!! The rules are, everyone gets one guess as to when they think baby will be born.

First correct entry will receive.... nothing, but the sound satisfaction that they alone were right, and nobody else was!! ;)

Get them thar votes in!!
Hey you mister northern boy :) you are not seriously running a sweepstake on your little ones birthdate? what is this the Grand National or what?? That is utterly scandalous.. I never heard the like of it.. what would your good lady think.. 4th of September, ha! ;)

I am just messin.. hey I sent you a tiny wish that everything works out for a little healthy bambino with a happy mum and dad that is all that matters.. :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
mantis said:
can i guess sometime in september?

Nope. I'd like a specific date please. Or you can't play. :0p

Jenna, 4th it is mate, thanks for the kind wish. Don't forget the prize for guessing correctly.... *Rubs chin*...Not sure what that IS yet, but umm...

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