Ground fighting choices -- Judo or BJJ?

Why these two?
I can't speak for Zandokan, but I can hazard a guess... Both Kyokushin and Muy Thai train live and full contact. They do this across the board. I know I can go into any Kyokushin school and get my head kicked in :) Which is why I avoid those schools like the plague. I prefer grappling to getting hit in the head.
Well Ybot is dead on the center with is answer.
Since the OP is/would already be going for the grappling by training BJJ and/or Judo, he needs then training in pure striking arts to become welround.
HKD and JJJ have a balance between the soft and hard techniques and thus adding such an art to BJJ/Judo would tip the scale to much in favour of the grappling.
Because you train BJJ/Judo technicly "full-contact" it's better to train also the striking arts "full-contact".
Since Kyokushin and Muay Thai have everywhere the same standard of alive training he can pick any dojo/club and doesn't be afraid of getting an McDojo training.



PS: Ybot, it's Zendokan, not Zandokan

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