groin strike effectiveness

bignick said:
My information comes from my instructor who has master's degree and teaches physiology and anatomy. It wasn't an "urban legend".

I realize you're a doctor and i respect your knowledge on the matter at hand.
Interesting. Perhaps he can get me a reference to support this.


if i remember, i'll ask during class next week...

also, as i stated he was referring to crushing the testicles...not just a strike to the groin...
groin shots are a definate are to the experienced MAist. you can use them to displace the hip shooting the person's torso down or you can use them to loosen a grip there are several things a kick to the groin can do. Although I have never herd of a kick to the groin killing anyone I wouldn't want to take my chances against someone like Mr. Pick or any of those other heavy hitters.

:btg: many of you here have HAD a testicle crushed? Not just nailed with a blow but literally crushed into a paste?

Here's what happens. Mobility is reduced and one finds at best they can only shuffle. The legs simply won't work. The sensation of pain isn't localized to the groin, but spreads up through the hips, lower abdomen, and back...roughly up to the kidneys. The effect is instantaneous.

Breathing becomes labored and hyperventilation starts. Spasms begin in the stomach muscles as CO-2 levels drop and alkalosis sets in. The biceps uncontrollably convulse and contract, as do the flexors of the wrist. You'll find yourself unable to stand or sit. This process is called "tetany". If left untreated it can kill you.

This all happened to me in 1985 after receiving a back kick from a guy when sparring. I wasn't wearing protection (a gentlemen's agreement to keep the kicks above the belt that he broke). I collapsed shortly after and was hospitalized for an evening and couldn't walk far for three days. I couldn't walk upright for two weeks.

You guys can argue about how effective it is to deliver such a shot...but unless you've experienced something like what I've described, I wouldn't be too quick to judge it as something a man can overcome with adrenaline or attitude. We've ALL been nailed in the 'nads. Few of us have every had one (much less both) literally crushed. It is well beyond what most have you have experienced.


hardheadjarhead said: many of you here have HAD a testicle crushed? Not just nailed with a blow but literally crushed into a paste?

Here's what happens. Mobility is reduced and one finds at best they can only shuffle. The legs simply won't work. The sensation of pain isn't localized to the groin, but spreads up through the hips, lower abdomen, and back...roughly up to the kidneys. The effect is instantaneous.

Breathing becomes labored and hyperventilation starts. Spasms begin in the stomach muscles as CO-2 levels drop and alkalosis sets in. The biceps uncontrollably convulse and contract, as do the flexors of the wrist. You'll find yourself unable to stand or sit. This process is called "tetany". If left untreated it can kill you.

This all happened to me in 1985 after receiving a back kick from a guy when sparring. I wasn't wearing protection (a gentlemen's agreement to keep the kicks above the belt that he broke). I collapsed shortly after and was hospitalized for an evening and couldn't walk far for three days. I couldn't walk upright for two weeks.

You guys can argue about how effective it is to deliver such a shot...but unless you've experienced something like what I've described, I wouldn't be too quick to judge it as something a man can overcome with adrenaline or attitude. We've ALL been nailed in the 'nads. Few of us have every had one (much less both) literally crushed. It is well beyond what most have you have experienced.


Wow sorry about that.

I think that is the worst injury I have heard of. :sadsong:
One way to be sure, is if you kick them real hard in the groin and it dont work, do it again. Even if it dont do nothing then, they will sure feel it in the morining.
hardheadjarhead said: many of you here have HAD a testicle crushed? Not just nailed with a blow but literally crushed into a paste?

Here's what happens. Mobility is reduced and one finds at best they can only shuffle. The legs simply won't work. The sensation of pain isn't localized to the groin, but spreads up through the hips, lower abdomen, and back...roughly up to the kidneys. The effect is instantaneous.

Breathing becomes labored and hyperventilation starts. Spasms begin in the stomach muscles as CO-2 levels drop and alkalosis sets in. The biceps uncontrollably convulse and contract, as do the flexors of the wrist. You'll find yourself unable to stand or sit. This process is called "tetany". If left untreated it can kill you.

This all happened to me in 1985 after receiving a back kick from a guy when sparring. I wasn't wearing protection (a gentlemen's agreement to keep the kicks above the belt that he broke). I collapsed shortly after and was hospitalized for an evening and couldn't walk far for three days. I couldn't walk upright for two weeks.

You guys can argue about how effective it is to deliver such a shot...but unless you've experienced something like what I've described, I wouldn't be too quick to judge it as something a man can overcome with adrenaline or attitude. We've ALL been nailed in the 'nads. Few of us have every had one (much less both) literally crushed. It is well beyond what most have you have experienced.


I never said it wasn't uncomfortable. Just that it's not lethal. Groin shots are great, but they are not always closers. Occassionally people (due to constitution, drugs, adrenalin, whatever,) don't even seem to feel them.

I'm sorry you had the experience and wish you well.

I find the biggest problem about groin shots is untrained peoples attitudes about them. I don't know how many people have told me that their total self-defense strategy consists of "kick em in the balls and run". Too many people have seen too many movies and such so they think a little kick in the jewels will have any man on the ground instantly, unable to function. What they fail to realize is, as has been pointed out, a solid groin shot is VERY difficult to land. Damn near impossible if the person thinks its coming. Then there is the fact the ther are some people who will function quite well after a groin shot. As for UFC fighters and boxers, what exactly is the motivation to continue immediatley after a low blow? Is there more reward in sluffing it off and keep fighting? Or is there advantage gain by exaggerating the pain, taking a little rest, and letting the audience and judges (judges especially) get the impression that your opponent is a dirty fighter?
For UFC there is no reason to keep fighting and alot of reasons not to. NUmber one if you can't go on you win. Number two it is an illegal strike and there is no reason to lose because you are stunned from an illegal move.
In real life taking one in the Jimmie is rarley that bad. Most of the time in a real fight your skill level is alot higher then that of the person you are fighting with so most groin shots are mostly or partially blocked. and even if they are not you can anticiapate and move so your guys don't get the sqiushie.
I've taken a few to the Jimmy and a few to the jewels. They varied in pain levels from "fetal position" to "wow you just wasted a hit". It all depends on how it catchs you. I can think of alot of better (and less protected) shots to throw as a fight ender....kneecaps come to mind. :EG:
Okay, I can see what everyone means about it being a hard target to actually catch with a good one, sometimes. But, so what? If you miss and go high you take em in the pubic area, which also can really ruin someones day, or catch em in the inner thigh, which isn't the best target but can still cause a stinger. Further up you have the pit of the stomach, a good target anyway. Anyway, you've put them on notice they have to protect the jewels, which might lead to either a tight close legged stance, which limits mobility and makes for an easy takedown, or brings the head down, and can let you get at those points on the jaw and the temples.
Oh there's plenty of other things to hit down there that don't invoke the Neo Effect (normally slow guys getting Martix Like reflexes). I'm unfamiliar with the effectiveness of pubic area strikes, I'll haveta try those someday.
The one BIG lesson I learned by actually attempting a front snap kick to the groin of this really big drunk guy,DON'T MISS!!! That got ugly.
This maybe off subject. But from my experience and training (Sherriff Academy) in a street fight the best way to end a fight is too take out the air of a person. We were taught to strike the Solar region of the chest with a double knife hand strike(for penetration purposes) with follow up kick to the groin to bring your opponent down to his knees then follow up with double ear claps to the ear drums. Takes the fight out of them. LOL
Mark Weiser said:
This maybe off subject. But from my experience and training (Sherriff Academy) in a street fight the best way to end a fight is too take out the air of a person. We were taught to strike the Solar region of the chest with a double knife hand strike(for penetration purposes) with follow up kick to the groin to bring your opponent down to his knees then follow up with double ear claps to the ear drums. Takes the fight out of them. LOL

Good point. The best way to stop someone is to stop the blood flowing to his brain. But that could potentially lead to a great deal of legal doo doo. Regardless of Drugs, Mindset, Training,people whose muscles are deprived of oxygen quickly lose strength.

Jeff :asian:
Some people have a higher tolorance to pain than others. It might just piss one guy off more, and drop another right there. I have been popped in the groin before and it just makes me want to hurt the person more. If someone can take pain well, then a shot to the groin wont stop them, the only way is to incapacitate them by knocking them out or breaking something. Some people are very very tough, I just hope that if your in a situation and thats your last resort move, that your not up against someone who it will just piss off more. For the most part, a groin shot will drop the average joe, but not a hard core street tough opponent.
And one more thing about groin shots, eye shots, or other vital areas... It dont take a chainsaw to cut hot butter, dont use a sledge hammer to swat a fly, those are quotes my instructor says all the time, mostly to the women because a woman can never be stronger than the average male opponent 98% of the time ,but they can be faster, smarter, and have better technique, so remember that while striking on vital targets.

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