Okay...how many of you here have HAD a testicle crushed? Not just nailed with a blow but literally crushed into a paste?
Here's what happens. Mobility is reduced and one finds at best they can only shuffle. The legs simply won't work. The sensation of pain isn't localized to the groin, but spreads up through the hips, lower abdomen, and back...roughly up to the kidneys. The effect is instantaneous.
Breathing becomes labored and hyperventilation starts. Spasms begin in the stomach muscles as CO-2 levels drop and alkalosis sets in. The biceps uncontrollably convulse and contract, as do the flexors of the wrist. You'll find yourself unable to stand or sit. This process is called "tetany". If left untreated it can kill you.
This all happened to me in 1985 after receiving a back kick from a guy when sparring. I wasn't wearing protection (a gentlemen's agreement to keep the kicks above the belt that he broke). I collapsed shortly after and was hospitalized for an evening and couldn't walk far for three days. I couldn't walk upright for two weeks.
You guys can argue about how effective it is to deliver such a shot...but unless you've experienced something like what I've described, I wouldn't be too quick to judge it as something a man can overcome with adrenaline or attitude. We've ALL been nailed in the 'nads. Few of us have every had one (much less both) literally crushed. It is well beyond what most have you have experienced.