Greatest Movie Fightscene?

The current issue (Aug. 2003) of Martial Art magazine has a "10 Greatest Movie Fight Scenes" article. Included are Enter and Return of the Dragon (Bruce Lee) but also some Western Fencing scenes for example.
gotta go with Neo V. Morpheus....

Bruce lee v. chuckie was good too.....


darth Maul v. jedi's
The magic fight between Lo Pan and Egg Shen in Big Trouble in Little China. "You never could beat me Egg Shen!"

Any scene with Chun from Remo Williams.

I do have to give props to the Rapid Fire trapping scene and the diner scene in Drive.
Neo vs The Three Agents at the beginning on Matrix Reloaded

Ed Norton vs Himself in Fight Club was very good

Jet Li's fightscenes in The One, although very fake very fun to watch :asian: goes.

i don't have a favorite. somoe of these are kind of goofy, and i'm probably forgetting a bunch here but,

1. Lee vs. Ohara in Enter the Dragon.

2. The Burly Brawl (Neo vs. 100 Smiths) in Matrix: Reloaded

3. Bruce vs. Norris

4. Just about any old school Jackie Chan final fights

5. The Speakman fight vs. the three TKD guys in Perfect Weapon

6. Tommy Lee vs. Dae Han in Best of the Best

7. The Barfight in Kickboxer where Van Damme does his fruity dance! (lol...only because it's so friggin' hilarious...:rofl: )
Jet Li vs Cyrill Rafaeli Kiss of the Dragon
Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris Return of the Dragon
Jackie Chan every fight in Legend of Drunken Master
Every fight in Ong Bak
For humor, there are any number of fight scenes in Kung Fu Hustle which had me falling out of my seat. For that matter, the various soccer plays in the final tournament in Shaolin Soccer have to count as fight scenes, and hysterically funny ones at that.

For serious drama, there is very little that I've seen that compares with the climatic duel between Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki in Duel at Ganryu Island, the final film in Inagaki's epic trilogy Samurai. I found it very hard to talk to anyone for a couple of hours after seeing the first time---it has a powerful, haunting effect, nothing at all like the usual adrenaline rush from the typical MA fight scene.
Perfect Weapon circa 1990: Jeff Speakman vs(I think it was) James Lew in TKD Badguy Training Gym. I so enjoyed telling people, "thats kenpo"... Yeah baby!!!

I can't remember the names of the characters, but Jet Li and the Old master in "Fists of Legend".
Hey Kiddies, what is the greatest fight scene in a movie? I gotta go with the TKD school fight scene in "Perfect Weapon".

One of my all-time favorites, as well ... even though it was purely Hollywood — I mean, come on: a Kenpo guy beating TKD guys? Preposterous!


j/k That was indeed a fine film, Kenpo bias notwithstanding, and did a good job of showcasing TKD in addition to Speakman's Kenpo.

I also think "The Best of the Best" did a great job of showingcasing TKD.

Some of the old Chop Saki gong fu films with hapkido practitioners have awesome KMA fighting, as well, like Jackie Chan's Drunken Master.
You know I am going to take this foot here and kick you on that side of the head....You know the sad part about it? There's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Billy Jack

I have to go with Best of the Best I as well.
You know I am going to take this foot here and kick you on that side of the head....You know the sad part about it? There's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Billy Jack

I have to go with Best of the Best I as well.
Yes it was a classic, but it fades in comparison to the bar scene in "The Ninth Configuration".
My all time favorite was the final fight in Star Wars Episode 1, between Darth Maul and the two jedis. The movie was horrible, but that fight was magic.

Somebody mentioned the movie Kickboxer where Van Damme was drunk. That was a memerobale fight scene, not great, but funny.
