Grammar and spelling tips

I prefer to sit on the lawn chair watching the action!

Trying to tackle me, Aye? (squints at Sarah) Maybe you'd like to learn some Kenpo techniques instead? Intercepting the Ram comes to mind. :)
jfarnsworth said:
How about we stick with Jell-o and whipped cream. (Pulls up the lawn chair to watch the show).
I agree! Unless of course we move this to Sturgis, where Cole Slaw would be appropriate. :)
jfarnsworth said:
So then you are telling me that you don't judge me by my hillbilly english when we talk on the phone? :)

Pashaw... You know I don't judge you in any sense of the word ~! You know me ;)
Feisty Mouse said:
Ouch! No tinsel on my mouse skin. And I hope you don't mean sausage (white) gravy... yuck!

But what if someone attacked you someday with a boat of gravy in one hand and a bag of tinsel in the other? Train like you fight, Feisty, that's what I always say!

Penalty marker on the field:

Thread hijacking. Self-imposed penalty: 15 minutes of concentration on work.
psi_radar said:
But what if someone attacked you someday with a boat of gravy in one hand and a bag of tinsel in the other? Train like you fight, Feisty, that's what I always say!

Penalty marker on the field:

Thread hijacking. Self-imposed penalty: 15 minutes of concentration on work.
lmao - I'm glad that you brought me to my senses! "Train like you fight!"

If someone did that - I'd fall out of my chair laughing. And hopefully stop-hit them. :)
Time to test Kenpo's multiple opponent techniques ...

Everyone pigpile on Jason...

shesulsa said:
Time to test Kenpo's multiple opponent techniques ...

Everyone pigpile on Jason...

Thanks because it was getting hard to breathe and the guys are sweating so much it was starting to stink at the bottom of the pile!:uhyeah:
psi_radar said:
I'm a copywriter among other things, so to me it's abhorrent to care too much about grammar on a forum. It's like work to me. However, internet posters in general do express concern about grammar, which is a good thing I suppose. I had an entertaining argument concerning this very topic on a sportbike forum, of all places.

Thanks much, I will have to copy that, the next time I get a paper presented to me at ten in the evening to proofread. Didn't need it for the forum and probably have broken tons of rules here but thankfully it doesn't bug people over much. TW
hehe.....well get up then, dust yourself off......and get on top of the new pile, we will see how Jason handles multiple attacks.

mj-hi-yah said:
Thanks because it was getting hard to breathe and the guys are sweating so much it was starting to stink at the bottom of the pile!:uhyeah:
mj-hi-yah said:
Thanks because it was getting hard to breathe and the guys are sweating so much it was starting to stink at the bottom of the pile!:uhyeah:
We've got to get you your own grammar-party snorkel, and deodorizing spray.

Note to self....
Hey wait a moment here. (scratches head) How did I go from the lawn chair sipping on my long island iced tea to having a pile on me :) .
Oh... yeah.... Our Sarah was trying to take me down.... hmmmm. Now SheSulsa wants to try on one or more of Kenpo's ideas of motion between 2 or more attackers... Huh? (evil grin) Now all of you females want to pile on me (points to self) No need for takedowns and such... just pile on! :uhyeah:
What a decision to have to make :uhyeah: , hmmmm - pile of women or hug from Tess... (ponders for a long time) ...... to be continued.

Watching e-bay right now
shesulsa said:
Let us ladies (to include Steve, Dan, Mike, Moose, Mr. Farnsworth, Xequat, and PPKO) explain it to you ....
I'm not certain how I came to be one of the Ladies. But that's OK, I guess. If you can't beat'em, join'em.


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