My WC group has a FB page I put up a few months back. I sort of use it as my rant page.
Here is something I put up a couple of weeks back on this very subject:
What does it take to become a “master” of martial arts? What exactly is a master? When we think of a martial arts master, we think of someone highly skilled: the old Chinese guy with the long white beard and bushy eyebrows, able to defeat multiple opponents with subtle movements, or the little Japanese man able to catch a fly with chopsticks.
Do a Google search sometimes. Martial arts are in a sad state. Everyone is the head of their own organization. And of course, if you’re the head of the organization, you have to be the master, but not just master….now it’s GRANDMASTER., because being the master just wasn’t good enough. How long until we have so many grandmasters running around, that that term is replaced by another. How about GRAND HIGH EXALTED MYSTIC MASTER OF ALMIGHTINESS?
So what exactly is a master?
In the old days, a male school teacher was called the master, meaning he was the teacher.
In the Bible you see Jesus referred to as master (rabbi in some translations, meaning, teacher)
When the Asian fighting arts were brought here, were they using this understanding of the word?
By saying that a sifu ( or sensei) was the teacher, ie. master, rather than this title being a comment on the teacher’s skill level, was it simply a title, stating their purpose in the school, that is the school’s teacher?
It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if we lost that title all together, and while we’re at it, we could toss out the belt ranking system….but that’s a whole other can of worms.